>be good if all submitted a short  paragraph of what we do

I'll bite.

Male, 53,  4 kids (All "out"), 7 g-kids, 6 Old English Sheepdogs.  
Live in southern NJ on in the middle of  ~5 acres of trees - love the 
quiet.  By education an electrical engineer (BSEE from Clarkson in 
NY state - raised in Schultzville, NY about 100 miles N of NY).  
Also an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) and EMS Instructor.  
Oh, also elected to Township Committee, but I'm not really 
"political" (sworn into my second term tonight)

 Spent 26 years in Electrical Engineering for a major NJ Utility 
designing/engineering sub- & switch- ing stations  and then moving 
to nuclear where I ended up as a Manager of Project Managers.  

Been getting into programming and such since an 8088 in the 80's.  
Five years ago they re-org'd and made the mistake of offering 
buyout packages to all that didn't want to play BEFORE they did 
the actual reorg - I was one of about 300 that had their papers in on 
almost the day it was announced (I had planned to leave shortly, 
this was just to good to pass on).

Took my computer skills and my Emergency Medical skills and 
incorporated and started up my own business - Digby Systems, inc 
(named for our first Old English Sheepdog) doing First 
Aid/CPR/Safety Training and web design  (I'm better at the EMS 
stuff ;-)  Taught some FP classes - both from the "design" aspect 
using FP as the tool,  and also teaching the software itself at a 
VoTec that insisted that FP was THE  way to generate a page.

Myself I use FP (quick but...), 1st page (Nice, but has some 
drawbacks), Arachnophilia (acts wacko at times), HTML-kit (some 
nice features), Text-pad, and whatever else suits the immediate 
need. (I never liked DW - maybe never gave it a good chance.) 

I'm soap-boxing - sorry, I'll stop

Bob Diaz
Picture - "Bob and Brandon" at 

Digby Systems, Inc.
COME TO THE MALL at: http://www.digbysystems.com/mall
Books, CDs, Toys, WEB Page Design and Hosting,
Office Supplies, Software, and More

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