Quoting "Hoenig, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm developing a site for someone and they want a music file to play when a page loads. I can get it to work on IE, Firefox, and Netscape using bgsound but it's not working when viewed on a mac.

if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
                document.write('<bgsound src="music/heart.mp3" LOOP="false">');
                else {
document.write('<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/"; Name="MediaPlayer" src="music/heart.mp3" AutoStart="true" ShowStatusBar="0" ShowControls="0" ShowDisplay="0" volume="1" HEIGHT="1" WIDTH="1" loop="infinite"><br>');

That's the script I'm using??? Do I need to use a different format (I'm using mp3) ??

What's the web address so I can test it live? I can almost guarantee that it won't work under linux either. Why? Because you're requesting Microsoft's Media player. The chances of this being installed on any operating system other than windows is slim to none, which raises a few questions:

1) Why are you putting background sound on the website? :oP
2) (and much more seriously) Why not let the operating system decide what it uses to play the file?

Unfortunately, I can't provide any hints on how to let the operating system decide, as I've never put sound into the background of the webpage.

My personal preference under Linux is mplayer, however I know that a lot of people use Xine, xmms or even (in some extreme cases) Windows Media Player running under Wine (a windows emulator).

Hope this is of some help,


Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
"Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodies?"

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