I would agree.  I think Frontpage is a great tool for beginner's and want a low 
cost tool to publish a web site OR for the advanced user that knows how to 
manipulate the unnecessary code the FP puts in.  I started developing using FP 
and found it much more advantagous to code using HTML editors (which I know FP 
has) than design editors.  Since moving to .Net using VS is my tool of choice.

Nope she uses a MAC and that's why I would like it to work on there.  The sound 
works great in FF and Netscape.  

---- Cheryl D Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
You should realize that 90% of the sites created in FrontPage 2003 (and almost 
as many created in an earlier version) are not sites that rival geocities for 
worst of the web. The majority are boring table based sites with too many font 
tags and not enough CSS but otherwise like most websites created in the late 
90s on. 

The main problem with FrontPage is also its strength, it is easy to use and 
that lets some people live their dreams of excess. Take a look at the output of 
every site builder I've ever seen and you'll see equally bad sites. I've seen 
crappy music on load, flashing animated garbage on sites that were hand coded. 
Granted not as many because it takes more time and effort but I've seen them 
just as I have on sites created in Dreamweaver.

It isn't the tool is the user. Sometimes it takes real talent and hard work to 
create a site that is as bad as some I've seen (and yes, the particular one I'm 
thinking of is a FrontPage site but the "designer" has gone far beyond what 
FrontPage could easily do adding babelfish translations, "SEO" optimization by 
large paragraphs of font size 1 keyword stuffing, incomprehensible navigation, 
comments made by people who have looked at the site include "I clicked around 
and looked at 5 different pages, what IS this site about", this is despite 
PayPal buttons all over the place.) Many Flash only sites fall into this same 
category of unusable and annoying websites just like the worst examples of a 
FrontPage site.

On the other hand I also know sites that if you would never know were created 
in FrontPage that have clean, elegant and valid code that use CSS for 
presentation. The pages are checked in a variety of browsers and work cross 
platform. The people who created them use FrontPage for its site management 
features and don't have generator or program id meta tags.

I'll bet your client uses IE and only IE on Windows to view her sites. Maybe 
the best thing you can do is to stick with the bgsound onload. That way those 
of us using a better browser (FF, and even IE 7 for example) won't have to 
listen to it. <g>

Cheryl D Wise
MS MVP FrontPage
Online instructor led training http://starttoweb.com
Aug. 20th session Expression Web Designer and Intro CSS

-----Original Message-----
From: Hoenig, Robert  

I tried to talk them out of it but she's very adament that she wants background 
music.  I would agree it's very annoying.  It's a bridal site and she saw 
another bridal site that has the music so of course she had to copy them.  I 
looked at the other site and I believe your right it was created in FP.  

The unfortunate thing is I don't know Flash but would like to learn.  Any good 
sites or examples I could use to do this?  I have the software just haven't 
taken the time to learn it.

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