On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 13:39, Graham Dumpleton
<graham.dumple...@gmail.com> wrote:
> WSGI 2.0 isn't about Python 3.X, it is about removing start_response().

Okay, so it is orthogonal, right?

> Python 3.X support can be catered for by clarifications in the WSGI
> 1.0 specification and to a degree how Python 3.X is implemented is
> dictated by existing practice in the form of what wsgiref implemented
> in Python 3.1. The Apache/mod_wsgi implementation has had Python 3.X
> support for over a year using the same interpretation. I believe
> latest CherryPy WSGI server code is also providing Python 3.X support.
> Apache/mod_wsgi tried to push the issue of a new
> definition/specification to cater for Python 3.X by actually
> identifying itself as WSGI 1.1. The attempts at ratifying that didn't
> happen however, but then no one has turned around either to complain
> about Apache/mod_wsgi identifying itself as WSGI 1.1 and so it has
> been left that way and not reverted to WSGI 1.0.
> So, in effect existing practice has determined how WSGI on Python 3.X
> should be implemented and given how long this has been going on,
> nothing is likely to change that now. You can however see a summary of
> how it is being interpreted at:
>  http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/SupportForPython3X

So that page has 8 points required for 3.x, which apparently wsgiref
and CherryPy also adhere to?

And you have 5 simplifications that, as far as we know, have only been
been implemented in mod_wsgi?


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