On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 14:46, Graham Dumpleton
<graham.dumple...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The last attempt was to have WSGI 1.1 as clarifications and Python 3.X.
> And when I say 'last attempt', yes there have been people who have
> stepped up to try and get this to happen in the past. I think you
> would be the 3rd time, excluding me in general having tried to push it
> in the past and also given up.
> You really should perhaps look back through the archive of WEB-SIG
> posts on Google Groups to understand the history and how this always
> seems to just go around in circles. :-)

I've been on Web-SIG for quite a while now, exactly to keep track of
these issues.

Since there doesn't seem to be much traction, I figured it would be
time to just get a new PEP together. To limit the amount of work, I'd
go in the direction of having a single WSGI 2.0 PEP incorporating your
suggestions (maybe minus the number 3), everything required for Python
3 (as outlined by your wiki page).

The idea is that, as soon as there is a draft PEP, we can circulate it
on Web-SIG for a little bit before bringing it to python-dev. No
single person should really be able to block all this.

I'll try to write something up that incorporates all of your notes.


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