+1  I echo the opportunities for improvement (almost all of them not being
technical areas) and the positive points about the framework.


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 9:18 AM, __future__ <wrigh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I only recently discovered web2py and I am really impressed with the
> product. However, this thread piqued my interest because it echoes a
> lot of what I have been thinking over the past few days as I set about
> to learn web2py.
> I know a lot of this has been covered here and other threads but I
> wanted to post my thoughts while they still rank as a first
> impression.
> Problems I have encountered so far:
> 1.  There is a lot of outdated information about web2py that I came
> across in my initial searches for tutorial/examples.  I was
> particularly confused by the roles of T2 and T3 in the overall
> project.  Good documentation is key to attracting users.  Screencasts
> seem to be all the rage these days (for good reason I think).  More of
> these please.
> 2. The project resources seem scattered all over the place...
> documentation, screen casts, source code, tutorials need better
> centralized organization.  People coming from other frameworks are
> almost guaranteed to expect this.  Django does an excellent job of
> this. As others have mentioned, the project really needs a home of its
> own.
> 3. Evangelism -- I had to WORK to even find this framework.  I can't
> believe I had not seen it before.  It is clearly far ahead of other
> projects in many areas and has a lot of obvious appeal once you start
> using it, but how would I have known?  Prestigious proof of concept
> sites would go a long way.   Rails has Basecamp, Django has
> washingtonpost.com.  What is the web2py equivalent?
> 4. I don't understand the stance of "not trying to compete with Rails
> and Django".  These frameworks are definitely doing some things right
> and have much in common with web2py.  I think web2py does a lot of
> these things better but like it or not, it does compete with them for
> developer attention.  The enterprise is not off-limits to these
> frameworks either (nor is Catalyst for that matter).
> 4. The name is terrible (I know this has been covered and likely won't
> change but I have to say it anyway).  The name web2py has no gravitas.
> Gluon was a MUCH better name, IMO.  I understand the reasons it had to
> change but web2py, as someone has already mentioned, sounds like a
> command line conversion utility like html2pdf.  This project is worthy
> of a better name.
> The best way I can describe the problem is that the impression I got
> from actually installing web2py and using it for a couple of days was
> a total surprise.  There was nothing about the way the project is
> portrayed that prepared me for how awesome it is.  Rails is kind of
> the opposite.  The hype is everywhere but the experience is something
> of a let-down, yet its popularity is undeniable.
> Not to be entirely critical, I really like what has been developed so
> far and I plan on using web2py for my next web project at work as I am
> in a position to choose my own tools.  I bought the pdf book from Lulu
> and I am ready to dig in.
> Thank you for web2py.  I am very excited about using it.

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