I don't think appadmin is taking care of widget...

I don't follow you, are you talking that you add a column and the old entry
are NULL?

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Bill Thayer <bill.tha...@live.com> wrote:

> This widget wouldn't break appadmin? would it? These are the many unknown
> things that really frustrate me about web2py.
> I edited the models file to test my current troubles adding columns to
> tables that are already created. With your sample app, I was able to add
> the new table and then add columns to cats. However when i edited the cat
> to add a color or collar those new values were not saved.
> db.define_table('collars',
>                 Field('material', requires=IS_IN_SET(['leather',
> 'chain'])),
>                 Field('size', requires=IS_IN_SET(['small', 'med',
> 'large'])),
>                 format='%(size)s %(material)s')
> db.define_table('cat',
>     Field('name','string'),
>     Field('color', 'string'),
>     Field('collar', 'reference collars'),
>     Field('person_id', 'reference person',
>         widget=AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption(request,
>             db.person.first_name,
>             id_field=db.person.id,
>             limitby=(0,10),
>             min_length=2,
>             form_title=T('Add new person'),
>             controller="default",
>             function="add_person",
>             button_text = T('Add new'))
>         ),
>     format='%()s'
>     )
> Regards,
> Bill
>  --


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