ok, yes I think there is a issue... In my app it working, but in the dummy
app it's not don't know why...

Maybe with SQLFORM you need to set the formstyle to divs.


On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Bill Thayer <bill.tha...@live.com> wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> In short...for myself and future searches...This widget works in a
> straight up crud form but with SQLFORM it has different
> behavior. Whether or not it is the source of appadmin not storing values is
> yet to be determined.
> After my columns were successfully added, values were set to null
> automatically of course. When I tried using appadmin to change the values
> (note this has nothing to do with the widget except the widget happens to
> be rendered on the edit or create page) the values do not update. Not
> saying it's the widget, I just don't know.
> Regards,
> Bill
>  --


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