look is this

       Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
                Web Developer
                 ITJP - itjp.net.br
               83   8826 9088 - Oi
               83   9336 3782 - Claro

2012/12/8 Lewis <lewis_le...@hotmail.com>

> That sounds great!  Keep all that is great about Web2py--especially
> templates and helpers!--and silence the blathering, unhelpful critics.
> On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:28:31 AM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Hello user,
>> The purpose of that thread is to discuss where web2py should got in the
>> future. For now we refer to that as web3py but noting is settled, not even
>> the name.
>> There is a prototype containing some of my ideas for web3py.
>> My ideas are:
>> 1) keep dal, templates, and validators
>> 2) rewrite source code for forms and helpers (they would work more or
>> less the same but simpler APIs, now they have too many options)
>> 3) simplify internal logic (import instead of exec, better use of wsgi
>> middleware, everything lazy for speed)
>> 4) support for python 3.3
>> 5) a compatibility layer that will allow running legacy web2py apps when
>> running web3py in python 2.7.
>> This means we will keep backward compatibility for legacy apps but new
>> app will slightly different APIs.
>> Anyway this is a proposal.  people can looks at the prototype. It is 20x
>> faster on hello world apps.
>> I think for now this discussion belongs to web2py-developers and
>> everybody is welcome to join.
>> When the proposal is more concrete we can move some of the discussion
>> here.
>> Massimo
>> On Monday, 26 November 2012 22:39:06 UTC-6, User wrote:
>>> I noticed a thread over in web2py-developers web3py - 
>>> important!<https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/web2py-developers/RCeiRd3Rzs0>
>>>  which
>>> was exciting to read.  I've flirted with web2py and there's a lot that I
>>> like about it.  For some reason I find web2py exciting whereas django
>>> doesn't provide that.  I've used Yii on the php side which is great
>>> framework as far as php goes and asp.net mvc which is great as well.
>>> I'd love to work with python but the main thing making me hesitate with
>>> web2py is critical mass.
>>> It seems like it wouldn't be hard for web2py to really dominate the
>>> python web framework space if some of the core criticisms were addressed.
>>> I'm not fully up to speed on what they are but I usually hear about unit
>>> testing and global variables.  It feels like there is a roadblock
>>> preventing the project from skyrocketing.  Python needs a rails.  I
>>> understand that the design decisions are by choice with pros and cons.
>>> My questions are:
>>> 1. Will web3py likely address these often repeated core criticisms? (I
>>> saw point 5 from the thread linked to above: "5) No more global
>>> environment. Apps will do "from web3py import *" (see below)")
>>> 2. The developer thread is over in the developers section.  Will you
>>> have a more open forum for users (as opposed to developers) to have input
>>> on web3py?
>>  --


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