> Only for announcements that include links to the real announcement.

Let's see:

2.4.7 is out: http://web2py.com/init/default/changelog

(54 characters) 

2.4.7 is out:
pypy support, thanks Niphlod
more bug fixes

(57 characters)

Obviously, for more verbose change-logs, a link can be used.
But the change-log update is not a product of the announcement - it's gonna 
have to happen anyways - so it's not a 
"redundant-duplication-due-to-process", more like a "convenience-detailing, 
if possible"...

>> Sounds like that would be a biased sample.

We can test our hypotheses, if you like, but I've just given a practice 
real-world use-case example that works...


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