we do use googlecode for not. Here is the current (imperfect) process:

1) people post a question about a possible bug
2) somebody checks that it is a bug, usually me
3) if the bug does not get fixed in 24h, the original poster opens a
googlecode ticket
4) when the bug is fixed the ticket is closed

because many bugs are dealt with in <24hrs there is no record. Because
bugs are fixed in trunk and trunk takes a couple of weeks to become
steable and because most users never upgrade to the latest stable,
occasionally there are multiple questions related to the same fixed
bug. I am not sure better workflow management fixes this latter

I have not read all messages on this thread carefully yet. Eventually
I will but I am happy to hear more of your ideas.

On Aug 24, 5:52 pm, Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com>
> Actually I would like to ask if bug tracking is used on web2py?
> Code is available from either (btw Massimo how do you keep those 2 in
> sync? just too curious :-) ):
> a) googlecode (with hg)
> b) launchpad (with bzr)
> both have some sort of bugtracking ticket system I do not know which
> one is best (or worst),  we could start with one those, but
> the choice must taken with care and other systems must be evaluated
> (on: usability, independece, web2py phylosophy ...), and first
> they must meet Massimo needs.
> BTW: I would like to see  a web2py application for doing serious
> bugtracking in the future... so that submitting
> a bug would be just one click on the ticket reported by any web2py
> installation! mmm too easy... that would be dangerous! ;-)
> ciao,
> mic
> 2010/8/24 mart <msenecal...@gmail.com>:
> > I don't know if you are currently using a specific bug tracking
> > system, but they are typically easy to interface with and made part of
> > build/release & test processes/automation. I.e. As part of a release
> > process, I would set rules with the source control system where non-
> > bugTraking releated changes can either be automatically rejected, or
> > moved to another set of prioritiesArea, etc... the build (or packaged
> > fileset, or whatever the output is) contains a detailed inventory of
> > bug fixes/features/etc... as part of an automated delivery system
> > (these are part of the build notes)...

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