On 15 oct, 13:32, Mark Breedveld <m.breedv...@solcon.nl> wrote:
> You have the idea. Thanks for clearing it towards the others.
> My guesses it we need to do both.
> Because Jose goal is general purpose and mine aswell,
> but comes with overkill in the most cases.
> In Jose case I would suggest a slight change.
> web2py-core
> web2py-gluon
> This has been discusses before, I recall you where in those
> discussions 
> Jose.http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_frm/thread/45ea4327d713b...
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_frm/thread/51b731d9abb52...
> There are some other topics, search for turnkeylinux, where this is
> mentioned.
> I recall Dimo Barsky was busy with packaging Gluon, but I've been out
> for a while.
> I don't know him, but he might help with this.
> It was chaos post again, but I hope this one helps:p.
> Mark,

Thanks, but after looking for more info in the links you provided, I
have not been able to find the rationale
for a separate gluon and core packages.

can anybody enlight me?

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