On 16 oct, 09:59, Mark Breedveld <m.breedv...@solcon.nl> wrote:
> Some packager told as that libraries should be in some directory
> according too the guidelines. I checked it back then and he was right.
> But I don't now how heavy that counts.

It's a must: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/

> It would also be easier to update several instances of web2py since
> the most updates will happen there.

sure, that's the reason for that policy

> But if you say you can pass the guidelines, please do so.
> Because it makes it more complex than necessary.

Not, I haven't said that. You must put the libraries in a directory
(done by python-support in Debian, the directory will depends on the
python version installed, but it will be something like /var/lib/
python-support/python2.5/ ), executables at /usr/bin,other files in /
usr/share/web2py and so on.
But you can do it all with only one package.
I.E. I don't mean it has to be done this way, I just wanted to know if
there are other technical reasons to do it.
It would make sense to have:
python-web2py as a metapackage that depends on python-gluon and python-
web2py-applications, for example. It's only that I don't know if there
are technical or logical reasons to do it. If it has been discussed
and agreed before, it's very possible that's the right way, but I can
not find the thread of discussion for this.

José L.

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