The very great thing about web2py is that even if it is full of
features, Massimo
was able and willing to keep it small.  Small in the  sense that it
has little code,
because it leverages on Python language features and patterns.  What
does that mean?  It means that anyone can reach and understand any
part of web2py code
and fix/optimize it, so in the long run web2py will just become better
and better, closed to best.

Aside from that, web2py development speed is very addictive, for me it
is getting harder and harder to switch back to slowness :)


2010/12/3 pbreit <>:
> I don't think anyone is comparing web2py to .net (thank goodness). A
> better comparison is Ruby on Rails and Massimo is a bit like DHH. I
> get the impression that he is pretty passionate about web2py and his
> position at the university would enable him to continue working on it
> for awhile. And if that doesn't happen, hey, it's open source and
> anyone can pick it up.
> What we're missing is something like the 37signals product suite to
> push the framework in real world use. Is anyone here working on a
> public web site that might scale up? I'm about to give it a shot. The
> risk seems manageable. I've never really heard of anyone actually
> being unable to scale a popular service. The problem is usually the
> opposite: premature optimization.

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