This discussion becomes not about comparison of scalability of  web2py
or scability of web2py vs other framework but web2py vs other

>massimo wrote:
>ab -n 10000 -c 100
>rocket: 0.629 [ms]

Massimo , does eventlet failed in that test?

On 12/5/10, mdipierro <> wrote:
> This is supposed to be even better
> #
> from gevent import wsgi
> but cannot install on snow leopard.
> Massimo
> On Dec 4, 9:19 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
>> I tried this:
>> #
>> import eventlet
>> from eventlet import wsgi
>> from rocket import Rocket
>> def hello_world(env, start_response):
>>     if env['PATH_INFO'] != '/':
>>         start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/
>> plain')])
>>         return ['Not Found\r\n']
>>     start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
>>     return ['Hello, World!\r\n']
>> if __name__=='__main__':
>>     if True:
>>        r=Rocket(('',8081),'wsgi', {'wsgi_app':hello_world})
>>        r.start()
>>     else:
>>        wsgi.server(eventlet.listen(('', 8081)), hello_world)
>> with
>> ab -n 10000 -c 10http://
>> rocket: 0.618 [ms]
>> eventlet: 0.443 [ms]
>> ab -n 10000 -c 100http://
>> rocket: 0.629 [ms]
>> eventlet:
>> Benchmarking (be patient)
>> Completed 1000 requests
>> Test aborted after 10 failures
>> apr_socket_connect(): Connection reset by peer (54)
>> Total of 1998 requests completed
>> On Dec 4, 7:39 pm, Branko Vukelic <> wrote:
>> > On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 1:59 AM, blackthorne <>
>> > wrote:
>> > > I've read it while ago.
>> > > The "problem" with that test is the number of processors. It takes a
>> > > high number of CPUs to bring Erlang benefits.
>> > Another 'problem' is that it's not about performance when it comes to
>> > Erlang. It's about overall robustness. For example, Yaws HTTP server
>> > may not be the fastest around, but you just cannot kill it. Even if it
>> > drops a request, it will keep on running, and handling whatever
>> > requests you throw at it. I guess I had that in mind when I said
>> > scalability.
>> > Also, Erlang has software threads, afaik, not hardware CPU threads,
>> > and it manages those internally using a supervisor-worker
>> > architecture. That's something built into the language, and you mostly
>> > don't have to worry about it.
>> > --
>> > Branko Vukelić
>> >
>> >
>> > Check out my blog:
>> > Check out my portfolio:
>> > Registered Linux user #438078 (
>> > I hang out on
>> > Gimp Brushmakers Guild

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