On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Angelo Compagnucci <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> For a web application, I have to implement a sort of responsive design for
> images. There are tons of solution online, but they requires to use some
> sort of javascript and custom html to work (insert special tags or classes
> in code). I don't like the approch because it make the code unmaintenable.
> The idea I have in mind is something like this:
> 1) On page load, a jquery function calls a controller and communicates
> infos about the device.
> 2) Controller stores those infos in session
> 3) I intercept images download and
> 3a) If there are session infos about device width and is_mobile, I resize
> the image with PIL to the exact width server side and give the new url to
> the response.
> 3b) If there aren't infos (browser doesn't support cookies) and is_mobile,
> I resize the image to an arbitrary small size (ex: 480 px) and give the new
> url to the response.
> 3c) If !is_mobile, I return the normal url
> How can I intercept file download also the static ones?
> Thank you!
> --
> Profile:


Bruno Rocha

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