Hey Paolo!

Funny I was on this thread because a search in gmail and I am just workin
to improve your multiupload app.

I am creating the update form actually I have been able to insert the
values of the record for the f_trip table, but I struggle for the data from
the f_photo table that need to be formated correctly for the jquery

I think I am doing a kind of monkey patch actually just to make it works
like this :

def trip_update():
    # only SQLFORM.factory tested
    form=SQLFORM.factory(db.t_trip, db.t_photos)
    for row in db(db.t_trip.id == request.args(0)).select(db.t_trip.ALL):
        for f in db.t_trip.fields:
    i = 0
    for row in db(db.t_photos.f_trip_ref ==
        #for f in db.t_photos.fields:
        #form.vars['f_photo_'+str(i)+':'+row.f_title]=row # don't works
need data under this form :
        #<li title="couleurs (1).png"><a class="mw_delItem"
href="javascript:void(0);" title="remove this file">x</a><i><b><em
        # So here trying to return to the view the jQuery code that will
append the multiple LI required
        #LI(_title='couleurs (1).png', A('x', _href='javascript:void(0);',
_class='mw_delItem', _title='remove this file'),
I(B(EM(_class='mw_file-ext-png'))), SPAN('test1'))
        # I and B helpers don't exist I think.

        #LI(A('x', _href='javascript:void(0);', _class='mw_delItem',
_title='remove this file'),
'<i><b>'+EM(_class='mw_file-ext-png')+'</b></i>', SPAN('test1'),
_title='couleurs (1).png') # Don't work...

    if form.accepts(request, session, onvalidation=lambda
form:check(form)): # Is it possible to use onvalidation with form.process()
syntax ?
        trip_id =
        nfiles = 0
        for var in request.vars:
            if var.startswith('f_photo') and request.vars[var] != '':
                uploaded = request.vars[var]
                if isinstance(uploaded,list):
                    # files uploaded through input with "multiple"
attribute set on true
                    for element in uploaded:
                        counter += 1
                        nfiles += 1
                        file_title = element.name.split(":")[-1] # TODO:
could this be made better?
                                                                 # I mean,
the title must be appended to element's name
                                                                 # or is
there another way?
                            f_title=file_title+" ("+str(counter)+")" if
file_title!="" else file_title,

                    # only one file uploaded
                    element = request.vars[var]
                    nfiles += 1


        session.flash = T('%s photo%s uploaded'%(nfiles, 's' if nfiles>1
else ''))

    if isinstance(form,FORM):
        # hide f_title form's row. Is there a better way to accomplish it?
        del form[0][3]

    return dict(form=form)

So almost realtime coding here... Do you have a better idea than returning
the f_photo entries under the format used by the javascript plugins ??


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Paolo Caruccio

> Andrew,
> it's simple go back to old auth_navbar.
> In views/layout.html comment this jquery code:
>             jQuery('.auth_navbar').each(function(){
>                 jQuery(this)
>  .addClass('btn-group')
>  .children('a').addClass('btn')
>             });
> and change the <div id="navbar"> in this way (note separators):
> <div id="navbar">{{='auth' in globals() and auth.navbar(separators=(' ','
> | ',''))}}</div>
> At least add below 2 rows to bottom of static/css/bootswatch.css:
> #navbar{
> padding-top:9px;
> }
> #navbar .auth_navbar, #navbar .auth_navbar a{
>  color:inherit;
>  //color:expression(this.parentNode.currentStyle['color']); /* ie7
> doesn't support inherit */
> }
> Please, let me know if it works.
> Il giorno mercoledì 30 maggio 2012 07:42:07 UTC+2, Andrew ha scritto:
>> Thanks Paolo,
>> The layout is back to normal.  However the Login set of links are looking
>> like buttons, rather than the background being the same as the navbar.
>> This is the same in the two browsers I'm looking at (IE7 and Firefox).
>> I prefer the way it looked in firefox.  Does it need to be a set
>> background to work ?
>> On Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:33:50 AM UTC+12, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>>> Andrew,
>>> I, just now, proposed a patch through issue tracker (
>>> http://code.google.com/p/**web2py/issues/detail?id=824<http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=824>)
>>> that should resolve the problems with IE7 noted by you. Moreover the
>>> auth_navbar is more compliant with bootstrap (check the image). I tested
>>> the new welcome layout replacing the default web2py bootstrap.min.css with
>>> some from bootswatch and it seems work good now.

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