The CSS rules for the drop down menus little "down triangle" are in 
bootstrap.min.css itself. Please search this row
  .navbar .nav .dropdown-toggle .caret,.navbar .nav .open.dropdown 
and more in general ".caret" class in bootstrap.min.css 

Maybe the issue is due to a bad contrast, between background-color of 
navbar and border color of caret.

Il giorno martedì 5 giugno 2012 11:25:45 UTC+2, Andrew ha scritto:
> Hi Paolo, I can leave it for now.   Are your changes in trunk yet?
> Also,  I tried updating an existing app with the latest CSS and layout 
> updates (so that I could apply bootstrap / bootswatch).  I can't get the 
> drop down menus little "down triangle" to appear.  I've updated evrything 
> in the static folder, layout.html, and web2py_ajax.html, and they still 
> don't appear.  I'm sure it has something to do with the CSS files, but I 
> have updated them all.  What have I missed?  I could easily just start from 
> a new app (from welcome).but I would like to understand how this is 
> happening.

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