That's what I gathered, though from what I've heard/read, the real meat of the transition is from XCode /PB Jam build tools to Ant, so for editing / compiling, it looks like Xcode will continue to be a viable option, which is good, since I don't like Eclipse (yes, I know I'm definately in the minority here, but I much prefer platform native applications, and while Ecplipse is better than most, it is still not native, and has it's "I'm a Java Application" quirks that irritate me, it's the same reason I never felt comfortable with JBuilder on Windows. It's not that they are bad applications, far from it, they just irritate me.

Editing and compiling the code is the easy part though. To me it seems like WO is the App server (and libraries), EOModeler and WOBuilder. Losing both EOModeler and WOBuilder, even in their current buggy form seems like a huge loss. That begs the question, is there a market for a replacement WOBuilder? and if so, what kind of price point could it sustain? With WebKit's editing support, it should be doable, but certainly not easy, since you'll have to be able to parse and two-way edit the .java files.

I don't know, it just seems like a real loss to lose these apps...


On Jan 21, 2007, at 1:33 PM, Galen Rhodes wrote:

From the looks of it we're supposed to use Eclipse+WOLips.

I've played with it a little. Eclipse is VERY nice indeed but as far as WOLips goes I am still largely unimpressed. It definitely takes longer using the WOLips tools because they lack any form of WYSIWYG editing. Even the WOLips EOModel editor appears to lack a "Diagram View" which I find indispensable.

Perhaps these things will come to WOLips but my last 15 years of experience with OpenSource does not leave me with much hope in this. OpenSource projects tend to reach a "good enough" point and then they stop progressing.

Galen Rhodes

"There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him."

-- Robert Heinlein --

On Jan 21, 2007, at 1:21 PM, Andrew Satori wrote:

Alright, so with the official 'Java-Bridge is dead' status for the future, what does this mean for WOBuilder and the graphical creation of WOComponents?

As far as I can tell, that leaves editing the .wo bundles by hand. While not impossible, it is certainly a step backwards, so my question is, what is the rest of the community planning on using in place of WOBuilder?


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