I think there is a lot of this with many companies doing the same thing. Without Apple support of windows, it does not have much of a future and the unsupported WOLips does not help enough. I have been on and off this list or others like it for years and I read this all the time and the WebObjects knowledge base is very small now. Apple has killed WebObjects and WOLips is just slowing the death. I have been doing WO for over a decade and I have never seen it this weak. I'm working and still doing WO (Yea!) but i'm in the process of moving off WO even-though it was a great technology. WO rest in peace...


On Apr 8, 2008, at 11:50 AM, Robert B. Hanviriyapunt wrote:
For some time now, my company has been set on leaving WebObjects. We have been running WebObjects 5.2 on Windows servers. We haven't moved 100% yet, but my next project will be using JavaServer Faces. And another fairly new project will be using OpenLaszlo with our existing J2E back-end.

Company's reasons for leaving:

1. WebObjects is proprietary

2. New versions of WebObjects is not supported on Windows

3. Perceived lack of knowledgeable WebObjects programmers (I'm in the Chicago suburbs -- Northbrook, IL, to be precise)

We do NOT use:

1. Xcode/WebObjects tools [Xcode or WOBuilder or EOModeler] (except for me on a MacBook Pro -- only because I requested it)

2. EOF


4. Servlet container (which I do not prefer anyway)

I personally enjoy WebObjects development and wish that WebObjects would be more palatable to companies such as mine.

Please excuse the ranting, but I want someone at Apple to know that as great as WebObjects technology is [I personally think it is the BEST I've seen anywhere], it is losing ground because if it's lack in thet top 3 items mentioned. I wish so bad that Apple would do something about it.

I'm guessing people's response will be:  Don't hold your breath.

Pity.  :(

= Robert =
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