On Friday, January 13, 2017 at 8:27:31 PM UTC-5, Marc Aubry wrote:
> maybe i'm wrong here but i suspect a WH23XX driver problem in between 
> weewx and my weather station.
> Please find attached syslog file, weewx_debug file, skin.conf file.
from the attached syslog.1 we see:

- you have temporal chaos and an unorderly network startup.  the pi starts 
up with the wrong time.  weewx starts and attempts to connect to a mysql 
database, but the network is not up yet, so weewx sleeps for 2 minutes.  
meanwhile the system continues to boot up.  eventually the network comes up 
and the clock is reset by ntp.

- at Jan 13 17:53:26 weewx[672] makes a log entry about decoded data.  the 
next log entry is Jan 13 17:17:04 by syslog, followed by what appears to be 
a boot sequence.  what caused the reboot?  why are there no more messages 
in the log?  (an orderly shutdown should have resulted in some log 
messages, no?)

- at Jan 13 17:17:04 weewx[645] makes its first log entry.  at Jan 13 
17:17:05 the weewx[645] process attempts to connect to the mysql database 
and fails, so it sleeps for 2 minutes.

- at Jan 13 17:17:19 the clock jumps to Jan 13 17:54:15

- at Jan 13 20:50:51 the process weewx[645] reports 'rsync upload not 
requested'.  the next log entry is Jan 13 21:17:01, followed by a bunch of 
rsyslogd-2007 and CRON messages at what appear to be one hour intervals.

- at Jan 14 06:25:07 rsyslogd was HUPed (that and the apache message before 
it are probably due to logrotate doing its thing)

none of that tells us anything.  it kind of looks like there is a hardware 
problem.  in the case of the 645 process, the reporting continued for a 
little while (it is a separate thread), but then it stopped reporting too.  
so nothing in the log directly indicates that there is a problem in the 

what is causing the system reboots?  if you are causing the system to 
reboot, how are you doing it?

how is the wh2310 connected to the pi?

what else is connected to the pi?  what else is running on the pi?

if you want to figure out if the driver is the problem, then you need to 
run weewx with only the driver and with no other services.  that means 
local database, not mysql.  that means no other skins or reports other than 
the standard skin - no forecast.

based on our experience with those other parts, they are probably not the 
problem.  but anything other than the problem confounds your ability to 
find the problem.


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