My rpiB ran weewx flawlessly for 3 years 24/7 running the weather station 
and using lighttpd/MySQL to host the website until it suddenly started 
misbehaving.  Even now I do not know if it is faulty or not, since it has 
worked flawlessly since being decommissioned from production use!!!

On Wednesday, 28 December 2016 06:26:08 UTC+2, Marc Aubry wrote:

> hi,
> i have 3 rpi 2 B+ running 24h/7d without any issue.
> one is for my Music player demon and client to listen and drive my mpd 
> server on my linux ubuntu with home made python script (i call it radio 
> cubadak).
> one is use to drive my 3d printer with repetier server
> and the last one is open elec ditrib to run a rasplex client to connect to 
> a plex media server.
> 2 of RPI2 B work flawlessly with with jessie 8 upgrade and the rasplex 
> client work flawlessly with the openelec img which i guess is a wheezy ( 
> not sure about this one because it work so well that i never need to 
> connect via ssh).
> So i'm little bit skeptical about rpi2B+ hardware problem for my weewx 
> weather station except for my wh2310 misol weather station.
> the 3 raspberry running are using the network heavily for video and audio 
> stream without any problem, weewx is only using the network for mysql 
> writing/reading, ftp copy and web client, so i think network side is good 
> too. 
> The mysql database hosted on my ubuntu linux server work with other 
> application without any problem, including my homemade arduino dust density 
> sensor (which i would love to integrate in my weewx report in the future). 
> The linux ubuntu machine in top of the mysql is hosting as well flawlessly 
> my plex video server, my mpd music server and audio stream and my Xeoma 
> cctv server.
> i think i'm probably facing a python bug instead of hardware failure. not 
> a weewx python script bug but more a python interpreter bug or python 
> linked library.
> just my guess....
> today i have little time in front of me i will start a RPI3B dev config 
> with weewx and simulator. i still want to keep my buggy weewx rpi2 config 
> up for monitoring and reporting on my public weather station website even 
> if i have to CRON reboot the rpi every hour to hide the problem.
> On Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 10:08:09 AM UTC+7, Andrew Milner wrote:
>> This saga really does sound like what happened to me running wheezy on 
>> RPiB - just started doing random stoppages - usually locking me out of ssh 
>> at the same time renderingdebugging difficult that I switched to rpi3 and 
>> still - touch wood - not failed since.  I am sure raspberry/debian 
>> introduced a sw change of some kind that affected the older rpi's in some 
>> manner.  Hope you eventually get to the root cause of this.  As I now do 
>> not trust my old rpiB am not sure what to do with it - try it on another 
>> project or bin it.  It's been ticking away doing nothing now ever since I 
>> decomiisioned it without failing!!  If I was you I would try weewx on the 
>> rpi3 and simulator on the rpi2 rather than what you are proposing - even 
>> though that proposal is counter-intuitive and not good practice.
>> On Wednesday, 28 December 2016 04:51:46 UTC+2, Marc Aubry wrote:
>>> done.
>>> i'm running a screen bash weewx session and monitor it until it stop.
>>> thanks.
>>> My config is pretty standard for rpi2.
>>> i install a raspbian image from raspberry pi foundation website i 
>>> install tight vnc server (not needed if i had done the jessie upgrade 
>>> before) and then upgrade to the last jessie release. 
>>> after that i just follow weewx doc and wiki to run a sofaskin on local 
>>> webserver  in a ram disk to avoid overwriting on mys sd card and remote ftp 
>>> server. external mysql (for the same reason) and forecast extension.
>>> for the syslog i did try to syslog to my ubuntu linux server as describe 
>>> in weewx wiki to save writing on the rpi sd card but came back to original 
>>> syslog config because it was apparently still writing into the local syslog 
>>> file in top of the remote syslog...
>>> i had weewx stop reporting randomly from the beginning, before i did 
>>> change the skin or forecast extension or sys log modification....
>>> i did change the rpi2 board with the same model.
>>> i will now setup a dev config with a rpi3 board and the simulator as 
>>> weather station.
>>> right now, i keep this config running like that just if it is useful for 
>>> the community to help debugging the software if it's hardware related i 
>>> don't see the point to maintain a buggy system and i'll keep it up running 
>>> until i can validate my new rpi3 dev platform to switch it in prod platform.
>>> On Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 9:14:26 AM UTC+7, Marc Aubry wrote:
>>>> hi 
>>>> do i have to rename it in /usr/share/weewx/user 
>>>> or i just copy it like that.
>>>> i guess that i have to rename it :)
>>>> On Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 8:26:32 AM UTC+7, mwall wrote:
>>>>> marc,
>>>>> the problem is that pyusb/libusb should timeout when a write/read 
>>>>> fails, but that is not happening.  but if the write/read is not failing, 
>>>>> why are we suddenly not getting any logging?
>>>>> this really smells like a hardware problem, or perhaps something with 
>>>>> your system's logging configuration.
>>>>> try the attached
>>>>> it does non-debug logging before and after every interrupt write to 
>>>>> the usb.
>>>>> m

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