"Pi3 MSD boot"
    Very interesting, and completely applicable to uses like weewx which 
are I/O intensive. I run weewx on a "real" computer, but have been thinking 
about switching to a Pi. My MQTT broker on the same LAN is on a Pi.

1. The only driver I have installed is wxMesh, and weewx works fine. Just 
configure weewx.conf. Please let me know of any issues. The documentation 
in the driver probably needs refinement for others to use the driver.

2. The requirement for US units is because of weewx requiring US units. The 
driver doesn't do any conversion, just passes the data through. That might 
be a good enhancement to make.

On Monday, 30 January 2017 06:12:52 UTC-4, superpat wrote:
> Hi Bill
> Many thanks for the pointer to your github account.  
> I have decided to start with a completely new build.  I am using a 
> Raspberry Pi 3,  and a USB hard drive.   I have set the PI up to boot from 
> the USB drive completely, using the new Pi3 MSD boot protocol,  ie. no SD 
> card is used.
> So far I have installed weewx and MQTT (mosquitto), but I have to wait now 
> for a RTC board to arrive. In the mean time I will clean up the Esp8266 
> sensors, mount them on perf board, arrange battery supplies etc, lots of 
> work!
> My present station is an Oregon sensor based affair feeding a RFX  
> receiver  into Meteohub. It has worked well for years but the sensors are 
> getting past their time, and I wish to replace them with more accurate ones.
> I have a couple of questions regarding weewx,  
> 1. if I have NO "known", (in the list of weewx stations), weather station, 
> just wxMesh, will weewx function OK  if I just add  your driver to the 
> weewx.conf, or is there anything else to change?
> 2. In your MQTT driver, you state that the units have to be US,  if I have 
> Weewx set to metric units, will the driver still work?. I cannot see any 
> data conversions in your driver.
> cheers
> Patrick
> On Friday, 27 January 2017 16:34:24 UTC, Bill Morrow wrote:
>> Yes, I have Patrick.
>> https://github.com/morrowwm/weewxMQTT 
>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fmorrowwm%2FweewxMQTT&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFswn3LrUgvN5CFHcbQRyP0wvFt-A>
>> I'm actually merging in indoor data collected by an Adafruit Feather 
>> Huzzah which uses esp8266 to publish on my LAN.
>> On Friday, 27 January 2017 12:28:05 UTC-4, superpat wrote:
>>> Hi Bill,
>>> I have just found this thread, it seems to be exactly what I need to 
>>> feed my esp8266 sensors into weewx via MQTT.
>>> Please.....  Have you put your work on github again?, if so where? 
>>> many thanks
>>> regards
>>> Patrick

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