Robert, can you share any details on the solar powered Redboard? My weather 
station is based on an Arduino Pro Mini, powered by an old Li-ion camera 
battery. The weather station sleeps most of the time, waking up briefly 
every 10 seconds or so to sample weather. I get about 2 weeks out of the 
battery, then swap it.

It's all housed inside an old solar garden lantern and a container which 
originally held some delicious carrot ginger soup. It communicates with a 
Raspberry Pi 1 in the house via nrf24L01 radios, using the RF24Mesh 
libraries. The radio is pretty power hungry, and the main reason for the 
large sleep duty cycle. On the left of the case, you can see the antenna 
pointing at the base station in our house.


The temperature sensor shield on the bottom is made from some sports drink 

My main project these days is developing a circuit which will use the small 
amount of power generated by the cell to keep the battery charged. I've 
done some measuring, and it should be enough. I've gone down the rabbit 
hole of tiny surface mount components, so making slow progress.

Oh, and this is all supposed to be done under a zero cost budget!

On Monday, 30 January 2017 10:33:58 UTC-4, Robert Mantel wrote:
> Seems like raspberry pi systems are like  I use a solar 
> panel charged battery powered Particle P1 Redboard from Sparkfun that I 
> have an I2C BME280 (temp/pressure/humidity/altitude) sensor, a rain/wind 
> set from sparkfun as well.  The redboard sends weather data over WiFi to my 
> Phant server every two minutes, I have a cron job on my Pi that does a 
> jsonp query to the phant server to retrieve the latest record and parse it 
> out into a text file with the "* = *" pairs that fileparse wants.  Then my 
> weewx system running on my pi archives every 2 minutes.  Not realtime, but 
> good enough for my purposes.  I also have steelseries gauges running as 
> well.  Been a great learning experience and everyone here has been very 
> helpful.
> Many ways to skin the cat here.
> On Monday, 5 December 2016 04:32:46 UTC-5, Joaquin Lopez wrote:
>> Hello, at the School we have this weather station 
>> It would be possible to configure the weewx system to be able to receive 
>> the data from the different sensosrs of our weather estation?
>> Thanks in davance!

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