Thanks for the info guys.  When we move to our property we plan to 
homestead on I can see using these guys to create a whole network of 
sensors and other things throughout the property to keep track of a whole 
host of things, not just weather.  I guess with these and a very low power 
version of an arduino type microcontroller I could really pare down the 
power budget and get away with a much smaller battery and solar panel.

On Monday, 30 January 2017 12:52:06 UTC-5, Bill Morrow wrote:
> I have a BMP180 for barometric pressure and a si7021 for temperature and 
> humidity connected to I2C on the Arduino Pro mini.
> The Arduino uses a nrf24L01 radio 
> <>
> and the RF24 Mesh <> library to squawk 
> at the base station. I scraped off the onboard antenna and attached my 
> homemade 5 element Yagi. I think this has improved range quite a bit, but 
> gigahertz RF is voodoo, so who knows? I want to work on this. 
> If I was doing it again, I might drop down to the sub-GHz range. For 
> example 434 MHz <> would have much 
> better range. Those transceivers draw maybe 30 mA vs. 15 mA for nrf24l01. 
> But the radio is rarely active, so should not be an issue.
> I send a simple packet of data over RF24Mesh of 32 bytes. The nrf24l01 
> radios are supposed to handle error correction and replies, so I don't do 
> anything for that sort of thing. That's the big advantage of something 
> sophisticated like XBee or nrf24, you don't have to do the low level error 
> handling yourself.
> On the base station side, I created a program which is the master on the 
> RF24Mesh, and publishes to the Mosquitto MQTT broker. It receives the 32 
> byte packet and converts it into a single MQTT publication that looks like 
> this:
>    TIME:0,AMBT: 7.23,BARP:1001.97,RHUM:70.92,HUMT: 
> 4.44,IRRA:12,BATV:974,PHOV:673,SYST:33.20,WIND:  0.0,WDIR:  0.0
> My weewx wxMesh <> driver subscribes 
> to the MQTT weather topic, reads the key:value pairs and . The nifty thing 
> about this approach is I can publish on the "weather" topic from multiple 
> stations, and wxMesh will merge them all together into loop packets. The 
> indoor station sends its data synchronously.
> On Monday, 30 January 2017 12:52:41 UTC-4, Robert Mantel wrote:
>> I'm interested in the MQTT standard, didn't really know anything about 
>> it, but may migrate to that idea and skip the phant server step altogether, 
>> but using the fileparse extention with the jsonp query of the phant server 
>> just made things simple for me.
>> As for the lower power radios I did consider using xbees, which I may do 
>> at some point, but I'm not sure if they will save me enough power to 
>> warrant the extra cost, we'll see how my experiment plays out.  I guess I 
>> would have to migrate from my BME280 because it's either SPI or I2C and I 
>> haven't read anything about how to deliver that over an xbee radio 
>> connection.  What radio's are you using?  
>> On Monday, 30 January 2017 10:50:28 UTC-5, Bill Morrow wrote:
>>> Very nice. I considered flower pots for the radiation shield also, but 
>>> then that wouldn't align with your snowflake theory, would it?
>>> I like both Sparkfun and Adafruit's ecosystem. Phant looks interesting. 
>>> I'm reading temperature and humidity in the house using an Adafruit Feather 
>>> Huzzah publishing over wifi to the MQTT broker. weewx subscribes to the 
>>> MQTT broker to get the data. Powered by a wall wart, but the Feather has 
>>> the capability of charging a battery. So in theory I could cut the cord 
>>> there too.
>>> My main goal is to harvest power from the PV cell on the top of the 
>>> lantern. It maxes out at about 25 mW at 3.2 volts. I should be able to 
>>> easily get 30 mAh every day, and a lot more than that on a sunny day. My 
>>> station averages about 25 mAh consumption per day. I've made no attempt to 
>>> cut power consumption on board, e.g there is a small power LED that is 
>>> always on.
>>> I'm working on a circuit provided by LInear Technologies: 
>>>, which boosts 
>>> almost any voltage to Li-ion charging levels. No success yet, mainly 
>>> because of the difficulty of working with parts with millimeter dimensions.
>>> You're dealing with a much higher power regime. But sounds like you have 
>>> some good power management strategies going. You might be able to reduce 
>>> your power needs by going to low power radios instead of wifi?
>>> On Monday, 30 January 2017 11:20:17 UTC-4, Robert Mantel wrote:
>>>> Hey Bill, no problem.  I can't provide pictures right now but will when 
>>>> I get home.  I'm using an 8000 mAh battery I got from ebay (I may upgrade 
>>>> to a 12000 mAh), that is connected to an Adafruit Solar Lipo charger.  I 
>>>> also bought a 6 volt solar panel from ebay or amazon, can't remember right 
>>>> now, but the adafruit charger works best with a 6v panel.  The charger 
>>>> board has a connector for the battery, the solar panel and the load as 
>>>> well 
>>>> as an older mini-usb connector to charge the battery from an ac usb 
>>>> adapter 
>>>> if you just want to top up the battery when it's too low and it's really 
>>>> cloudy.  You can also configure the rate of charge with the addition of a 
>>>> resistor to boost the charge rate to 1000 mA which is what I did.  Most 
>>>> lipo's can only handle a charge rate of 1C (C being the capacity of the 
>>>> battery) so I'm well within the 8000 mAh that the battery could take 
>>>> charge 
>>>> wise.  I'm currently experimenting with how many days I can go without 
>>>> intervention (hence the reason I may go with a larger 12000 mAh battery to 
>>>> get more days of autonomy out of the weather station).  Ideally I would 
>>>> like it to run 24x7 without intervention.
>>>> To save power I do with the Particle P1 redboard is that I have 
>>>> configured it to run in manual mode, meaning I control the wifi and cloud 
>>>> connections.  Because I have a local phant server collecting the raw 
>>>> sensor 
>>>> data from the redboard I have no need to connect to the cloud and because 
>>>> I 
>>>> have it in manual mode I briefly turn on the wifi every 2 minutes to dump 
>>>> the sensor data to my phant server in the house.  Wifi is by far the 
>>>> biggest power consumer so the more you can control that the better.  I'm 
>>>> waiting for a 6 dBi wifi antenna to put on the particle P1 because I've 
>>>> noticed that sometimes the wifi doesn't connect where I have it placed 
>>>> inside my shed.  All the sensors are outside the shed of course, but I 
>>>> wanted as much of the electronics sheltered from the elements for 
>>>> longevity 
>>>> sake.  The only active electronics I have outside is the BME280 sensor 
>>>> inside my own home brew radiation shield I made out of flower pot trays.  
>>>> While I only post data to weewx every 2 minutes, the station is 
>>>> processing data continuously, so rather than feed for example the current 
>>>> wind direction and speed, I dump the average wind direction and speed over 
>>>> 2 minutes to weewx.  In a previous iteration of my weather station I had 
>>>> it 
>>>> sleeping during each cycle but that proved to be a problem for getting 
>>>> accurate rain readings because if the station was asleep it would miss a 
>>>> bucket tip.  So I went with a larger battery and then controlled the wifi, 
>>>> which saves a ton of power.  The system has a rescue mode so that if the 
>>>> battery falls below 20% soc it will begin sleep cycles of 5 minutes so 
>>>> that 
>>>> the solar panel can pump all the power into the battery until it rises 
>>>> above that threshold and comes back online.  So far so good, hasn't had to 
>>>> do that yet, but it may tonight because we've had quite a few overcast 
>>>> days 
>>>> lately.  
>>>> Let me know if you want more specifics and I'll help fill in the blanks.
>>>> On Monday, 30 January 2017 09:59:03 UTC-5, Bill Morrow wrote:
>>>>> Robert, can you share any details on the solar powered Redboard? My 
>>>>> weather station is based on an Arduino Pro Mini, powered by an old Li-ion 
>>>>> camera battery. The weather station sleeps most of the time, waking up 
>>>>> briefly every 10 seconds or so to sample weather. I get about 2 weeks out 
>>>>> of the battery, then swap it.
>>>>> It's all housed inside an old solar garden lantern and a container 
>>>>> which originally held some delicious carrot ginger soup. It communicates 
>>>>> with a Raspberry Pi 1 in the house via nrf24L01 radios, using the 
>>>>> RF24Mesh 
>>>>> libraries. The radio is pretty power hungry, and the main reason for the 
>>>>> large sleep duty cycle. On the left of the case, you can see the antenna 
>>>>> pointing at the base station in our house.
>>>>> <>
>>>>> The temperature sensor shield on the bottom is made from some sports 
>>>>> drink bottles. 
>>>>> My main project these days is developing a circuit which will use the 
>>>>> small amount of power generated by the cell to keep the battery charged. 
>>>>> I've done some measuring, and it should be enough. I've gone down the 
>>>>> rabbit hole of tiny surface mount components, so making slow progress.
>>>>> Oh, and this is all supposed to be done under a zero cost budget!
>>>>> On Monday, 30 January 2017 10:33:58 UTC-4, Robert Mantel wrote:
>>>>>> Seems like raspberry pi systems are like  I use a 
>>>>>> solar panel charged battery powered Particle P1 Redboard from Sparkfun 
>>>>>> that 
>>>>>> I have an I2C BME280 (temp/pressure/humidity/altitude) sensor, a 
>>>>>> rain/wind 
>>>>>> set from sparkfun as well.  The redboard sends weather data over WiFi to 
>>>>>> my 
>>>>>> Phant server every two minutes, I have a cron job on my Pi that does a 
>>>>>> jsonp query to the phant server to retrieve the latest record and parse 
>>>>>> it 
>>>>>> out into a text file with the "* = *" pairs that fileparse wants.  Then 
>>>>>> my 
>>>>>> weewx system running on my pi archives every 2 minutes.  Not realtime, 
>>>>>> but 
>>>>>> good enough for my purposes.  I also have steelseries gauges running as 
>>>>>> well.  Been a great learning experience and everyone here has been very 
>>>>>> helpful.
>>>>>> Many ways to skin the cat here.
>>>>>> On Monday, 5 December 2016 04:32:46 UTC-5, Joaquin Lopez wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello, at the School we have this weather station 
>>>>>>> It would be possible to configure the weewx system to be able to 
>>>>>>> receive the data from the different sensosrs of our weather estation?
>>>>>>> Thanks in davance!

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