On Wednesday, 11 April 2018 20:56:39 UTC-3, vince wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 11:54:47 AM UTC-7, Ralph Underwood wrote:
>> Do I need to have TIME = date-time in my weewx..conf wxMesh stanza?
> Thinking not - I think you need:
>    1. a "SOMETHING = dateTime" mapping in your weewx.conf file so the 
>    driver knows what element is secs since the time epoch
>    2. a  "SOMETHING: nnn"  key/value pair in your MQTT payload, where nnn 
>    = secs_since_the_epoch (or 0 if you want to use the weewx computer 
> dateTime)
> Maybe you're just missing the TIME mapping in your weewx.conf label map.
> Can you provide:
>    - your [wxMesh] stanza from weewx.conf
>    - an example of the MQTT payload you're sending
> Ah, Vince may be on to something. This is my weewx.comf, Ralph. Note the 
TIME = dateTime mapping
    driver = user.wxMesh
    # MQTT specifics
    host = localhost           # MQTT broker hostname
    client = *redacted*
    username = *redacted*
    password = *redacted*
    topic = weather          # topic is all weather (indoor and outdoor, 

    poll_interval = 10
    TIME = dateTime
    HUMT = outTemp
    RHUM = outHumidity
    INTE = inTemp
    INHU = inHumidity
    BARP = barometer
    IRRA = radiation
    PHOV = supplyVoltage
    BATV = consBatteryVoltage
    AMBT = extraTemp1
    SYST = extraTemp2
    WDIR = windDir
    WIND = windSpeed


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