or download this file in the attachment

Am Donnerstag, 8. November 2018 16:18:23 UTC+1 schrieb hind...@gmail.com:
> Yes, but from what I can see, no solution has been suggested for the 
> records problem, except maybe manually adjusting the unit conversion code 
> in the records python code - has anyone done that and if so what changes 
> are needed?
> On Thursday, 8 November 2018 11:23:33 UTC, Praveen Chandrasekaran wrote:
> Issue already exists for this:
> https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/issues/8
> On Thu, 8 Nov 2018 at 16:11, <hind...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been using this skin with MQTT extension for a while now, without 
> any problems, and think it is excellent.  However, since the initial 
> installation the records page shows some very strange anomalies. See 
> attached png file - which, for example, has odd max temperature range and 
> rain records.  Has anyone else seen similar issues and worked out how to 
> solve them?  Perhaps something to do with units, although other records 
> such as min and max temperature are correct?  I have 
> ...

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#    Copyright (c) 2016 Gary Roderick
#    https://github.com/gjr80/weewx-highcharts
#    See the file LICENSE at the URL above for your full rights.
#    Author: Gary Roderick 
#    Modified by: Pat O'Brien
#    Revised for the BelchertownWeather.com weewx skin

import calendar
import datetime
import time
import weewx
import syslog
import json
import os
import configobj

from weewx.cheetahgenerator import SearchList
from weeutil.weeutil import TimeSpan, to_int, archiveDaySpan, archiveWeekSpan, archiveMonthSpan, archiveYearSpan, startOfDay

def logmsg(level, msg):
    syslog.syslog(level, 'Belchertown Highcharts Extension: %s' % msg)

def logdbg(msg):
    logmsg(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, msg)

def loginf(msg):
    logmsg(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg)

def logerr(msg):
    logmsg(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg)

def roundNone(value, places):
    """round value to 'places' places but also permit a value of None"""
    if value is not None:
            value = round(value, places)
        except Exception, e:
            value = None
    return value

class highchartsDay(SearchList):

    def __init__(self, generator):
        SearchList.__init__(self, generator)

    def get_extension_list(self, timespan, db_lookup):
        # Get the skin options for the parent Belchertown skin
        # Help from https://github.com/weewx/weewx/blob/master/bin/weewx/reportengine.py#L67-L182
        belchertown_skin_config_path = os.path.join(
                self.generator.config_dict['StdReport']["Belchertown"].get('skin', 'Standard'),
        belchertown_skin_dict = configobj.ConfigObj(belchertown_skin_config_path, file_error=True)
        # Merge weewx.conf into skin.conf for overrides
        # First make sure the user wants to use the extension. If not, return right away.
        if belchertown_skin_dict['Extras']['highcharts_enabled'] == "0":
            # Return an empty SLE
            search_list_extension = { }
            return [search_list_extension]

        # Get our start time
        _start_ts, _end_ts = archiveDaySpan( timespan.stop )
        stop_struct = time.localtime( timespan.stop )
        utc_offset = (calendar.timegm(stop_struct) - calendar.timegm(time.gmtime(time.mktime(stop_struct))))/60
        # Get our temperature vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outTemp_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outTemp')
        outTemp_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(outTemp_vt)
        usageRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(outTemp_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        outTempRound_vt =  [roundNone(x, usageRound) for x in outTemp_vt[0]]
        time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        outTemp_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, outTempRound_vt))
        # Get our dewpoint vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, dewpoint_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'dewpoint')
        dewpoint_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(dewpoint_vt)
        usageRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(dewpoint_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        dewpointRound_vt =  [roundNone(x, usageRound) for x in dewpoint_vt[0]]
        time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        dewpoint_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, dewpointRound_vt))
        # Get our wind chill vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windchill_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windchill')
        windchill_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windchill_vt)
        usageRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windchill_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        windchillRound_vt =  [roundNone(x, usageRound) for x in windchill_vt[0]]
        time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        windchill_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, windchillRound_vt))
        # Get our heat index vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, heatindex_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'heatindex')
        heatindex_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(heatindex_vt)
        usageRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(heatindex_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        heatindexRound_vt =  [roundNone(x, usageRound) for x in heatindex_vt[0]]
        time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        heatindex_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, heatindexRound_vt))
        # Get our humidity vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outHumidity_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outHumidity')
        outHumidity_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, outHumidity_vt[0]))
        # Get our barometer vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, barometer_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'barometer')
        barometer_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(barometer_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        barometerRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(barometer_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        barometerRound_vt = [round(x,barometerRound) if x is not None else None for x in barometer_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        barometer_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, barometerRound_vt))

        # Get our wind speed vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windSpeed_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windSpeed')
        windSpeed_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windSpeed_vt)
        usageRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windSpeed_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        windSpeedRound_vt =  [roundNone(x, usageRound) for x in windSpeed_vt[0]]
        time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        windSpeed_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, windSpeedRound_vt))
        # Get our wind gust vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windGust_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windGust')
        windGust_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windGust_vt)
        usageRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windGust_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        windGustRound_vt =  [roundNone(x, usageRound) for x in windGust_vt[0]]
        time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        windGust_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, windGustRound_vt))
        # Get our wind direction vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windDir_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windDir')
        time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        windDir_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, windDir_vt[0]))
        # Get our rain vector for total accumulation
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, rain_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'rain')
        # Convert our rain vector
        rain_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(rain_vt)
        # Don't round. Let Highcharts JS do the rounding. 
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        #rainRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(rain_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        #rainRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,rainRound) for x in rain_vt[0]]
        rain_count = 0
        rain_total = []
        for rain in rain_vt[0]:
            # If the rain value is None or "", add it as 0.0
            if rain is None or rain == "":
                rain = 0.0
            rain_count = rain_count + rain
            rain_total.append( round( rain_count, 2 ) )
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        timeRain_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(timeRain_ms, rain_total))
        # Get our rainRate vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, rainRate_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'rainRate')
        # Convert our rain vector
        rainRate_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(rainRate_vt)
        # Don't round. Let Highcharts JS do the rounding. 
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        #rainRateRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(rainRate_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        #rainRateRound_vt = [roundNone(x,rainRateRound) for x in rainRate_vt[0]]
        rain_round = []
        for rainRate in rainRate_vt[0]:
            rain_round.append( rainRate )
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        timeRainRate_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        pob_rain_json = json.dumps(zip(timeRainRate_ms, rain_round))
        # Decomissioned in 0.8 in favor of the getSqlVectors code above which handles the vectors better and does rain unit conversion
        # Rain accumulation totals using the timespan. For static 1 day, look at POB archive above
        #_pob_rain_totals_lookup = db_lookup().genSql( "SELECT dateTime, rain FROM archive WHERE rain IS NOT NULL and dateTime>=%s AND dateTime<=%s" % (_start_ts, _end_ts) )
        #rain_time_ms = []
        #rain_total = []
        #rain_count = 0
        #for rainsql in _pob_rain_totals_lookup:
        #    rain_time_ms.append(float(rainsql[0]) * 1000)
        #    #rain_converted = self.generator.converter.convert( int(rainsql[1] ) )
        #    rain_count = rain_count + rainsql[1]
        #    #rain_total.append( round( rainsql[1], 2) )
        #    rain_total.append( round( rain_count, 2) )
        #pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rain_total))
        # Decomissioned in 0.8 in favor of the getSqlVectors code above which handles the vectors better and does rain unit conversion
        # POB rain vector 2.0
        #_pob_rain_lookup = db_lookup().genSql("SELECT dateTime, rainRate FROM archive WHERE rainRate IS NOT NULL and dateTime>=%s AND dateTime<=%s" % (_start_ts, _end_ts) )
        #rain_time_ms = []
        #rain_round = []
        #for rainsql in _pob_rain_lookup:
        #    rain_time_ms.append(float(rainsql[0]) * 1000)
        #    rain_round.append( rainsql[1] )
        #pob_rain_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rain_round))

        # Get our radiation vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, radiation_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'radiation')
        usageRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(radiation_vt[2], "2f")[-2])
        radiationRound_vt =  [roundNone(x, usageRound) for x in radiation_vt[0]]
        time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        radiation_json = json.dumps(zip(time_ms, radiationRound_vt))
        # Put into a dictionary to return
        search_list_extension = {'outTempDayjson' : outTemp_json,
                                 'outHumidityDayjson' : outHumidity_json,
                                 'dewpointDayjson' : dewpoint_json,
                                 'windchillDayjson' : windchill_json,
                                 'heatindexDayjson' : heatindex_json,
                                 'barometerDayjson' : barometer_json,
                                 'rainDayTotaljson' : pob_rain_total_json,
                                 'rainDayjson' : pob_rain_json,
                                 'windSpeedDayjson' : windSpeed_json,
                                 'windGustDayjson' : windGust_json,
                                 'windDirDayjson' : windDir_json,
                                 'radiationDayjson' : radiation_json,
                                 'utcOffset': utc_offset}
        # Return our json data
        return [search_list_extension]
class highchartsWeek(SearchList):
    """ SearchList class to generate a required JSON vectors for Highcharts 
        week plots.
    def __init__(self, generator):
        SearchList.__init__(self, generator)

    def get_extension_list(self, timespan, db_lookup):
        """ Generate the required JSON vectors and return same as a dictionary 
            in a list.
          timespan: An instance of weeutil.weeutil.TimeSpan. This will
                    hold the start and stop times of the domain of
                    valid times.
          db_lookup: This is a function that, given a data binding
                     as its only parameter, will return a database manager

        # Get the skin options for the parent Belchertown skin
        # Help from https://github.com/weewx/weewx/blob/master/bin/weewx/reportengine.py#L67-L182
        belchertown_skin_config_path = os.path.join(
                self.generator.config_dict['StdReport']["Belchertown"].get('skin', 'Standard'),
        belchertown_skin_dict = configobj.ConfigObj(belchertown_skin_config_path, file_error=True)
        # Merge weewx.conf into skin.conf for overrides
        # First make sure the user wants to use the extension. If not, return right away.
        if belchertown_skin_dict['Extras']['highcharts_enabled'] == "0":
            # Return an empty SLE
            search_list_extension = { }
            return [search_list_extension]

        t1 = time.time()

        # Get our start time. This returns "last 7 days". If you want "this week starting at 'week_start' from config", see below.
        # First get the start of today
        _ts = startOfDay(timespan.stop)
        # Then go back 7 days
        _ts_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(_ts)
        _start_dt = _ts_dt - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
        _start_ts = time.mktime(_start_dt.timetuple())
        _end_ts = timespan.stop

        # If you want "this week", uncomment this
        #week_start = to_int(self.generator.config_dict["Station"].get('week_start', 6))
        #_start_ts, _end_ts = archiveWeekSpan( timespan.stop, week_start)

        stop_struct = time.localtime( timespan.stop )
        utc_offset = (calendar.timegm(stop_struct) - calendar.timegm(time.gmtime(time.mktime(stop_struct))))/60
        # Get our temperature vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outTemp_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outTemp', 'max', 3600)
        # Convert our temperature vector
        outTemp_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(outTemp_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        tempRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(outTemp_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        outTempRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,tempRound) for x in outTemp_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        outTemp_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our dewpoint vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, dewpoint_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'dewpoint', 'max', 3600)
        dewpoint_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(dewpoint_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        dewpointRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(dewpoint_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        dewpointRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,dewpointRound) for x in dewpoint_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        dewpoint_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind chill vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windchill_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windchill', 'max', 3600)
        windchill_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windchill_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windchillRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windchill_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windchillRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windchillRound) for x in windchill_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windchill_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our heat index vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, heatindex_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'heatindex', 'max', 3600)
        heatindex_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(heatindex_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        heatindexRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(heatindex_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        heatindexRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,heatindexRound) for x in heatindex_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        heatindex_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our humidity vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outHumidity_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outHumidity', 'max', 3600)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        outHumidityRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(outHumidity_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        outHumidityRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,outHumidityRound) for x in outHumidity_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        outHumidity_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our barometer vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, barometer_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'barometer', 'max', 3600)
        barometer_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(barometer_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        barometerRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(barometer_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        barometerRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,barometerRound) for x in barometer_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        barometer_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind speed vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windSpeed_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windSpeed', 'max', 3600)
        windSpeed_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windSpeed_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windspeedRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windSpeed_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windSpeedRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windspeedRound) for x in windSpeed_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windSpeed_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind gust vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windGust_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windGust', 'max', 3600)
        windGust_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windGust_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windgustRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windGust_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windGustRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windgustRound) for x in windGust_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windGust_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind direction vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windDir_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windDir', 'max', 3600)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windDirRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windDir_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windDirRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windDirRound) for x in windDir_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windDir_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our rain vector for total accumulation
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, rain_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'rain', '', 3600)
        # Convert our rain vector
        rain_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(rain_vt)
        # Don't round. Let Highcharts JS do the rounding. 
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        #rainRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(rain_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        #rainRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,rainRound) for x in rain_vt[0]]
        rain_count = 0
        rain_total = []
        for rain in rain_vt[0]:
            # If the rain value is None or "", add it as 0.0
            if rain is None or rain == "":
                rain = 0.0
            rain_count = rain_count + rain
            rain_total.append( round( rain_count, 2 ) )
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        timeRain_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(timeRain_ms, rain_total))
        # Get our rainRate vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, rainRate_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'rainRate', '', 3600)
        # Convert our rain vector
        rainRate_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(rainRate_vt)
        # Don't round. Let Highcharts JS do the rounding. 
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        #rainRateRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(rainRate_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        #rainRateRound_vt = [roundNone(x,rainRateRound) for x in rainRate_vt[0]]
        rain_round = []
        for rainRate in rainRate_vt[0]:
            rain_round.append( rainRate )
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        timeRainRate_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        pob_rain_json = json.dumps(zip(timeRainRate_ms, rain_round))
        # Decomissioned in 0.8 in favor of the getSqlVectors code above which handles the vectors better and does rain unit conversion
        # Rain accumulation totals using the timespan. For static 1 day, look at POB archive above.
        #_pob_rain_totals_lookup = db_lookup().genSql( "SELECT dateTime, rain FROM archive WHERE rain IS NOT NULL and dateTime>=%s AND dateTime<=%s" % (_start_ts, _end_ts) )
        #rain_time_ms = []
        #rain_total = []
        #rain_count = 0
        #for rainsql in _pob_rain_totals_lookup:
        #    rain_time_ms.append(float(rainsql[0]) * 1000)
        #    rain_count = rain_count + rainsql[1]
        #    rain_total.append( round( rain_count, 2) )
        #    #rain_total.append( round(rainsql[1], 2) ) # Need to automate this from skin_dict?
        #Now that the dicts are built, do some rounding
        #rainRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,2) for x in rain_total]
        #pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rainRound_vt))
        #pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rain_total))
        # Decomissioned in 0.8 in favor of the getSqlVectors code above which handles the vectors better and does rain unit conversion        
        # POB rain vector 2.0
        #_pob_rain_lookup = db_lookup().genSql("SELECT dateTime, rainRate FROM archive WHERE rainRate IS NOT NULL and dateTime>=%s AND dateTime<=%s" % (_start_ts, _end_ts) )
        #rain_time_ms = []
        #rain_round = []
        #for rainsql in _pob_rain_lookup:
        #    rain_time_ms.append(float(rainsql[0]) * 1000)
        #    rain_round.append( rainsql[1] )
        #pob_rain_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rain_round))
        # Get our radiation vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, radiation_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'radiation', 'max', 3600)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        radiationRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(radiation_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        radiationRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,radiationRound) for x in radiation_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        radiation_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Format our vectors in json format. Need the zip() to get time/value pairs
        # Assumes all vectors have the same number of elements
        outTemp_json = json.dumps(zip(outTemp_time_ms, outTempRound_vt))
        dewpoint_json = json.dumps(zip(dewpoint_time_ms, dewpointRound_vt))
        windchill_json = json.dumps(zip(windchill_time_ms, windchillRound_vt))
        heatindex_json = json.dumps(zip(heatindex_time_ms, heatindexRound_vt))
        outHumidity_json = json.dumps(zip(outHumidity_time_ms, outHumidityRound_vt))
        barometer_json = json.dumps(zip(barometer_time_ms, barometerRound_vt))
        windSpeed_json = json.dumps(zip(windSpeed_time_ms, windSpeedRound_vt))
        windGust_json = json.dumps(zip(windGust_time_ms, windGustRound_vt))
        windDir_json = json.dumps(zip(windDir_time_ms, windDirRound_vt))
        radiation_json = json.dumps(zip(radiation_time_ms, radiationRound_vt))
        # Put into a dictionary to return
        search_list_extension = {'outTempWeekjson' : outTemp_json,
                                 'dewpointWeekjson' : dewpoint_json,
                                 'windchillWeekjson' : windchill_json,
                                 'heatindexWeekjson' : heatindex_json,
                                 'outHumidityWeekjson' : outHumidity_json,
                                 'barometerWeekjson' : barometer_json,
                                 'windSpeedWeekjson' : windSpeed_json,
                                 'windGustWeekjson' : windGust_json,
                                 'windDirWeekjson' : windDir_json,
                                 'rainWeekTotaljson' : pob_rain_total_json,
                                 'rainWeekjson' : pob_rain_json,
                                 'radiationWeekjson' : radiation_json,
                                 'utcOffset': utc_offset,
                                 'weekPlotStart' : _start_ts * 1000,
                                 'weekPlotEnd' : _end_ts * 1000}
        # Return our json data
        return [search_list_extension]
class highchartsMonth(SearchList):
    """ SearchList class to generate a required JSON vectors for Highcharts 
        week plots.
    def __init__(self, generator):
        SearchList.__init__(self, generator)

    def get_extension_list(self, timespan, db_lookup):
        """ Generate the required JSON vectors and return same as a dictionary 
            in a list.
          timespan: An instance of weeutil.weeutil.TimeSpan. This will
                    hold the start and stop times of the domain of
                    valid times.
          db_lookup: This is a function that, given a data binding
                     as its only parameter, will return a database manager
        # Get the skin options for the parent Belchertown skin
        # Help from https://github.com/weewx/weewx/blob/master/bin/weewx/reportengine.py#L67-L182
        belchertown_skin_config_path = os.path.join(
                self.generator.config_dict['StdReport']["Belchertown"].get('skin', 'Standard'),
        belchertown_skin_dict = configobj.ConfigObj(belchertown_skin_config_path, file_error=True)
        # Merge weewx.conf into skin.conf for overrides
        # First make sure the user wants to use the extension. If not, return right away.
        if belchertown_skin_dict['Extras']['highcharts_enabled'] == "0":
            # Return an empty SLE
            search_list_extension = { }
            return [search_list_extension]
        t1 = time.time()
        # Get our start time. This is "last 30 days (2592000 seconds)". If you want "this month from day 1, see below"
        # First get the start of today
        _ts = startOfDay(timespan.stop)
        # Then go back 30 days
        _ts_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(_ts)
        _start_dt = _ts_dt - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
        _start_ts = time.mktime(_start_dt.timetuple())
        _end_ts = timespan.stop

        # Uncomment below if you want start at day 1 of the current month. 
        #_start_ts, _end_ts = archiveMonthSpan( timespan.stop )
        stop_struct = time.localtime( timespan.stop )
        utc_offset = (calendar.timegm(stop_struct) - calendar.timegm(time.gmtime(time.mktime(stop_struct))))/60
        # Get our temperature vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outTemp_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outTemp', 'max', 86400)
        # Convert our temperature vector
        outTemp_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(outTemp_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        tempRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(outTemp_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        outTempRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,tempRound) for x in outTemp_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        outTemp_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Min temp vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outTemp_min_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outTemp', 'min', 86400)
        # Convert our temperature vector
        outTemp_min_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(outTemp_min_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        tempRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(outTemp_min_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        outTempMinRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,tempRound) for x in outTemp_min_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        outTempMin_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our dewpoint vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, dewpoint_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'dewpoint', 'max', 86400)
        dewpoint_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(dewpoint_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        dewpointRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(dewpoint_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        dewpointRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,dewpointRound) for x in dewpoint_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        dewpoint_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind chill vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windchill_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windchill', 'max', 86400)
        windchill_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windchill_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windchillRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windchill_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windchillRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windchillRound) for x in windchill_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windchill_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our heat index vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, heatindex_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'heatindex', 'max', 86400)
        heatindex_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(heatindex_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        heatindexRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(heatindex_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        heatindexRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,heatindexRound) for x in heatindex_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        heatindex_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our humidity vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outHumidity_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outHumidity', 'max', 86400)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        outHumidityRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(outHumidity_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        outHumidityRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,outHumidityRound) for x in outHumidity_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        outHumidity_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our barometer vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, barometer_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'barometer', 'max', 86400)
        barometer_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(barometer_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        barometerRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(barometer_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        barometerRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,barometerRound) for x in barometer_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        barometer_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind speed vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windSpeed_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windSpeed', 'max', 86400)
        windSpeed_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windSpeed_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windspeedRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windSpeed_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windSpeedRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windspeedRound) for x in windSpeed_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windSpeed_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Average Wind Speed
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windSpeedAvg_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windSpeed', 'avg', 86400)
        windSpeedAvg_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windSpeedAvg_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windspeedAvgRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windSpeedAvg_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windSpeedAvgRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windspeedAvgRound) for x in windSpeedAvg_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windSpeedAvg_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind gust vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windGust_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windGust', 'max', 86400)
        windGust_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windGust_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windgustRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windGust_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windGustRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windgustRound) for x in windGust_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windGust_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind direction vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windDir_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windDir', 'avg', 86400)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windDirRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windDir_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windDirRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windDirRound) for x in windDir_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windDir_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our rain vector for total accumulation
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, rain_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'rain', '', 86400)
        # Convert our rain vector
        rain_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(rain_vt)
        # Don't round. Let Highcharts JS do the rounding. 
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        #rainRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(rain_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        #rainRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,rainRound) for x in rain_vt[0]]
        rain_count = 0
        rain_total = []
        for rain in rain_vt[0]:
            # If the rain value is None or "", add it as 0.0
            if rain is None or rain == "":
                rain = 0.0
            rain_count = rain_count + rain
            rain_total.append( round( rain_count, 2 ) )
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        timeRain_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(timeRain_ms, rain_total))
        # Get our rainRate vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, rainRate_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'rainRate', '', 86400)
        # Convert our rain vector
        rainRate_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(rainRate_vt)
        # Don't round. Let Highcharts JS do the rounding. 
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        #rainRateRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(rainRate_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        #rainRateRound_vt = [roundNone(x,rainRateRound) for x in rainRate_vt[0]]
        rain_round = []
        for rainRate in rainRate_vt[0]:
            rain_round.append( rainRate )
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        timeRainRate_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        pob_rain_json = json.dumps(zip(timeRainRate_ms, rain_round))
        # Decomissioned in 0.8 in favor of the getSqlVectors code above which handles the vectors better and does rain unit conversion
        # Rain accumulation totals using the timespan. For static 1 day, look at POB archive above.
        #_pob_rain_totals_lookup = db_lookup().genSql( "SELECT dateTime, rain FROM archive WHERE rain IS NOT NULL and dateTime>=%s AND dateTime<=%s" % (_start_ts, _end_ts) )
        #rain_time_ms = []
        #rain_total = []
        #rain_count = 0
        #for rainsql in _pob_rain_totals_lookup:
        #    rain_time_ms.append(float(rainsql[0]) * 1000)
        #    rain_count = rain_count + rainsql[1]
        #    rain_total.append( round( rain_count, 2) )
        #    #rain_total.append( rainsql[1] )
        #    #rain_total.append( round(rainsql[1], 2) ) # Need to automate this from skin_dict?
        #Now that the dicts are built, do some rounding
        #rainRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,2) for x in rain_total]
        #pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rainRound_vt))
        #pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rain_total))
        # Decomissioned in 0.8 in favor of the getSqlVectors code above which handles the vectors better and does rain unit conversion
        # POB rain vector 2.0
        #_pob_rain_lookup = db_lookup().genSql("SELECT dateTime, rainRate FROM archive WHERE rainRate IS NOT NULL and dateTime>=%s AND dateTime<=%s" % (_start_ts, _end_ts) )
        #rain_time_ms = []
        #rain_round = []
        #for rainsql in _pob_rain_lookup:
        #    rain_time_ms.append(float(rainsql[0]) * 1000)
        #    rain_round.append( rainsql[1] )
        #pob_rain_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rain_round))
        # Get our radiation vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, radiation_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'radiation', 'max', 86400)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        radiationRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(radiation_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        radiationRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,radiationRound) for x in radiation_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        radiation_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Format our vectors in json format. Need the zip() to get time/value pairs
        # Assumes all vectors have the same number of elements
        outTemp_json = json.dumps(zip(outTemp_time_ms, outTempRound_vt))
        outTemp_min_json = json.dumps(zip(outTempMin_time_ms, outTempMinRound_vt))
        dewpoint_json = json.dumps(zip(dewpoint_time_ms, dewpointRound_vt))
        windchill_json = json.dumps(zip(windchill_time_ms, windchillRound_vt))
        heatindex_json = json.dumps(zip(heatindex_time_ms, heatindexRound_vt))
        outHumidity_json = json.dumps(zip(outHumidity_time_ms, outHumidityRound_vt))
        barometer_json = json.dumps(zip(barometer_time_ms, barometerRound_vt))
        windSpeed_json = json.dumps(zip(windSpeed_time_ms, windSpeedRound_vt))
        windSpeedAvg_json = json.dumps(zip(windSpeedAvg_time_ms, windSpeedAvgRound_vt))
        windGust_json = json.dumps(zip(windGust_time_ms, windGustRound_vt))
        windDir_json = json.dumps(zip(windDir_time_ms, windDirRound_vt))
        radiation_json = json.dumps(zip(radiation_time_ms, radiationRound_vt))
        # Put into a dictionary to return
        search_list_extension = {'outTempMonthjson' : outTemp_json,
                                 'outTempMinMonthjson' : outTemp_min_json,
                                 'dewpointMonthjson' : dewpoint_json,
                                 'windchillMonthjson' : windchill_json,
                                 'heatindexMonthjson' : heatindex_json,
                                 'outHumidityMonthjson' : outHumidity_json,
                                 'barometerMonthjson' : barometer_json,
                                 'windSpeedMonthjson' : windSpeed_json,
                                 'windSpeedAvgMonthjson' : windSpeedAvg_json,
                                 'windGustMonthjson' : windGust_json,
                                 'windDirMonthjson' : windDir_json,
                                 'rainMonthTotaljson' : pob_rain_total_json,
                                 'rainMonthjson' : pob_rain_json,
                                 'radiationMonthjson' : radiation_json,
                                 'utcOffset': utc_offset,
                                 'MonthPlotStart' : _start_ts * 1000,
                                 'MonthPlotEnd' : _end_ts * 1000}
        # Return our json data
        return [search_list_extension]
class highchartsYear(SearchList):
    """ SearchList class to generate a required JSON vectors for Highcharts 
        week plots.
    def __init__(self, generator):
        SearchList.__init__(self, generator)

    def get_extension_list(self, timespan, db_lookup):
        """ Generate the required JSON vectors and return same as a dictionary 
            in a list.
          timespan: An instance of weeutil.weeutil.TimeSpan. This will
                    hold the start and stop times of the domain of
                    valid times.
          db_lookup: This is a function that, given a data binding
                     as its only parameter, will return a database manager

        # Get the skin options for the parent Belchertown skin
        # Help from https://github.com/weewx/weewx/blob/master/bin/weewx/reportengine.py#L67-L182
        belchertown_skin_config_path = os.path.join(
                self.generator.config_dict['StdReport']["Belchertown"].get('skin', 'Standard'),
        belchertown_skin_dict = configobj.ConfigObj(belchertown_skin_config_path, file_error=True)
        # Merge weewx.conf into skin.conf for overrides
        # First make sure the user wants to use the extension. If not, return right away.
        if belchertown_skin_dict['Extras']['highcharts_enabled'] == "0":
            # Return an empty SLE
            search_list_extension = { }
            return [search_list_extension]

        t1 = time.time()
        # Start at day 1 of current year
        _start_ts, _end_ts = archiveYearSpan( timespan.stop )
        stop_struct = time.localtime( timespan.stop )
        utc_offset = (calendar.timegm(stop_struct) - calendar.timegm(time.gmtime(time.mktime(stop_struct))))/60
        # Get our temperature vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outTemp_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outTemp', 'max', 86400)
        # Convert our temperature vector
        outTemp_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(outTemp_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        tempRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(outTemp_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        outTempRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,tempRound) for x in outTemp_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        outTemp_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Min temp vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outTempMin_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outTemp', 'min', 86400)
        # Convert our temperature vector
        outTempMin_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(outTempMin_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        tempMinRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(outTempMin_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        outTempMinRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,tempMinRound) for x in outTempMin_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        outTempMin_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our dewpoint vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, dewpoint_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'dewpoint', 'max', 86400)
        dewpoint_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(dewpoint_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        dewpointRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(dewpoint_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        dewpointRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,dewpointRound) for x in dewpoint_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        dewpoint_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind chill vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windchill_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windchill', 'max', 86400)
        windchill_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windchill_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windchillRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windchill_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windchillRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windchillRound) for x in windchill_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windchill_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our heat index vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, heatindex_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'heatindex', 'max', 86400)
        heatindex_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(heatindex_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        heatindexRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(heatindex_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        heatindexRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,heatindexRound) for x in heatindex_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        heatindex_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our humidity vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outHumidity_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'outHumidity', 'max', 86400)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        outHumidityRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(outHumidity_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        outHumidityRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,outHumidityRound) for x in outHumidity_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        outHumidity_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our barometer vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, barometer_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'barometer', 'max', 86400)
        barometer_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(barometer_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        barometerRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(barometer_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        barometerRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,barometerRound) for x in barometer_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        barometer_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind speed vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windSpeed_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windSpeed', 'max', 86400)
        windSpeed_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windSpeed_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windspeedRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windSpeed_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windSpeedRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windspeedRound) for x in windSpeed_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windSpeed_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Average wind speed vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windSpeedAvg_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windSpeed', 'avg', 86400)
        windSpeedAvg_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windSpeedAvg_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windspeedAvgRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windSpeedAvg_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windSpeedAvgRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windspeedAvgRound) for x in windSpeedAvg_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windSpeedAvg_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind gust vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windGust_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windGust', 'max', 86400)
        windGust_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(windGust_vt)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windgustRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windGust_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windGustRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windgustRound) for x in windGust_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windGust_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our wind direction vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, windDir_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'windDir', 'max', 86400)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        windDirRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(windDir_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        windDirRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,windDirRound) for x in windDir_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        windDir_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Get our rain vector for total accumulation
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, rain_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'rain', '', 86400)
        # Convert our rain vector
        rain_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(rain_vt)
        # Don't round. Let Highcharts JS do the rounding. 
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        #rainRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(rain_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        #rainRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,rainRound) for x in rain_vt[0]]
        rain_count = 0
        rain_total = []
        for rain in rain_vt[0]:
            # If the rain value is None or "", add it as 0.0
            if rain is None or rain == "":
                rain = 0.0
            rain_count = rain_count + rain
            rain_total.append( round( rain_count, 2 ) )
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        timeRain_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(timeRain_ms, rain_total))
        # Get our rain "bucket tips" vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, rainRate_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'rain', '', 86400)
        # Convert our rain vector
        rainRate_vt = self.generator.converter.convert(rainRate_vt)
        # Don't round. Let Highcharts JS do the rounding. 
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        #rainRateRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(rainRate_vt[1], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        #rainRateRound_vt = [roundNone(x,rainRateRound) for x in rainRate_vt[0]]
        rain_round = []
        for rainRate in rainRate_vt[0]:
            rain_round.append( rainRate )
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        timeRainRate_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        pob_rain_json = json.dumps(zip(timeRainRate_ms, rain_round))

        # Decomissioned in 0.8 in favor of the getSqlVectors code above which handles the vectors better and does rain unit conversion
        # Rain accumulation totals using the timespan. For static 1 day, look at POB archive above.
        #_pob_rain_totals_lookup = db_lookup().genSql( "SELECT dateTime, rain FROM archive WHERE rain IS NOT NULL and dateTime>=%s AND dateTime<=%s" % (_start_ts, _end_ts) )
        #rain_time_ms = []
        #rain_total = []
        #rain_count = 0
        #for rainsql in _pob_rain_totals_lookup:
        #    rain_time_ms.append(float(rainsql[0]) * 1000)
        #    rain_count = rain_count + rainsql[1]
        #    rain_total.append( round( rain_count, 2) )
        #    #rain_total.append( rainsql[1] )
        #    #rain_total.append( round(rainsql[1], 2) ) # Need to automate this from skin_dict?
        #Now that the dicts are built, do some rounding
        #rainRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,2) for x in rain_total]
        #pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rainRound_vt))
        #pob_rain_total_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rain_total))
        # Decomissioned in 0.8 in favor of the getSqlVectors code above which handles the vectors better and does rain unit conversion
        # POB rain vector 2.0
        #_pob_rain_lookup = db_lookup().genSql("SELECT dateTime, rain FROM archive WHERE dateTime>=%s AND dateTime<=%s" % (_start_ts, _end_ts) )
        #rain_time_ms = []
        #rain_round = []
        #for rainsql in _pob_rain_lookup:
        #    rain_time_ms.append(float(rainsql[0]) * 1000)
        #    rain_round.append( rainsql[1] )
        #pob_rain_json = json.dumps(zip(rain_time_ms, rain_round))
        # Get our radiation vector
        (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, radiation_vt) = db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, _end_ts), 'radiation', 'max', 86400)
        # Can't use ValueHelper so round our results manually
        # Get the number of decimal points
        radiationRound = int(self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(radiation_vt[2], "1f")[-2])
        # Do the rounding
        radiationRound_vt =  [roundNone(x,radiationRound) for x in radiation_vt[0]]
        # Get our time vector in ms (Highcharts requirement)
        # Need to do it for each getSqlVectors result as they might be different
        radiation_time_ms =  [float(x) * 1000 for x in time_stop_vt[0]]
        # Format our vectors in json format. Need the zip() to get time/value pairs
        # Assumes all vectors have the same number of elements
        outTemp_json = json.dumps(zip(outTemp_time_ms, outTempRound_vt))
        outTempMin_json = json.dumps(zip(outTempMin_time_ms, outTempMinRound_vt))
        dewpoint_json = json.dumps(zip(dewpoint_time_ms, dewpointRound_vt))
        windchill_json = json.dumps(zip(windchill_time_ms, windchillRound_vt))
        heatindex_json = json.dumps(zip(heatindex_time_ms, heatindexRound_vt))
        outHumidity_json = json.dumps(zip(outHumidity_time_ms, outHumidityRound_vt))
        barometer_json = json.dumps(zip(barometer_time_ms, barometerRound_vt))
        windSpeed_json = json.dumps(zip(windSpeed_time_ms, windSpeedRound_vt))
        windSpeedAvg_json = json.dumps(zip(windSpeed_time_ms, windSpeedAvgRound_vt))
        windGust_json = json.dumps(zip(windGust_time_ms, windGustRound_vt))
        windDir_json = json.dumps(zip(windDir_time_ms, windDirRound_vt))
        radiation_json = json.dumps(zip(radiation_time_ms, radiationRound_vt))
        # Put into a dictionary to return
        search_list_extension = {'outTempYearjson' : outTemp_json,
                                 'outTempMinYearjson' : outTempMin_json,
                                 'dewpointYearjson' : dewpoint_json,
                                 'windchillYearjson' : windchill_json,
                                 'heatindexYearjson' : heatindex_json,
                                 'outHumidityYearjson' : outHumidity_json,
                                 'barometerYearjson' : barometer_json,
                                 'windSpeedYearjson' : windSpeed_json,
                                 'windSpeedAvgYearjson' : windSpeedAvg_json,
                                 'windGustYearjson' : windGust_json,
                                 'windDirYearjson' : windDir_json,
                                 'rainYearTotaljson' : pob_rain_total_json,
                                 'rainYearjson' : pob_rain_json,
                                 'radiationYearjson' : radiation_json,
                                 'utcOffset': utc_offset,
                                 'YearPlotStart' : _start_ts * 1000,
                                 'YearPlotEnd' : _end_ts * 1000}
        # Return our json data
        return [search_list_extension]

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