Thanks! The .raw made the decisive difference

Am Sonntag, 11. August 2019 19:01:37 UTC+2 schrieb Pat:
> Hi Manfred, I took this one right from the Season's skin, but modified it 
> slightly to include the CSS color so it was inline. Give this a try (remove 
> it from the table's tr's and td's if you're not using a table)
>                     #if $day.txBatteryStatus.has_data
>                     <tr>
>                       <td style="text-align:right; padding:4px 8px 0 0;">
> Transmitter Battery</td>
>                       <td style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold; 
> padding-top:4px;">
>                         #if $current.txBatteryStatus.raw == 0
>                         <span style="color:#44aa44;">OK</span>
>                         #else
>                         <span style="color:#aa4444;">LOW</span>
>                         #end if
>                       </td>
>                     </tr>
>                     #end if
> On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 9:44:24 AM UTC-4, Manfred Maier wrote:
>> Thanks Pat! It works.
>> Yet, my website coding skills are unfortunately not the best. 
>> How does your code look like, where you translate the 
>> $current.txBatteryStatus into a green 'OK' (on your about-page)?
>> I've tried all different kinds of if-statements but none worked.
>> Am Sonntag, 11. August 2019 04:16:34 UTC+2 schrieb Pat:
>>> Is your station or driver tracking the rxCheckPercent? (check your 
>>> database to see if its populated). If so then try $current.rxCheckPercent 
>>> for the text representation. 
>>> To graph it add this to your graphs.conf
>>> [about]
>>>     show_button = false
>>>     time_length = 172800 # 48 hours in seconds
>>>     aggregate_type = last
>>>     aggregate_interval = 300 # 5 min
>>>     gapsize = 300000 # 5 min
>>>     [[rxchart]]
>>>         title = ISS Receive Stats
>>>         yaxis_max = 100
>>>         [[[rxCheckPercent]]]
>>>             color = "#268bd2"
>>>     [[rxchartyear]]
>>>         title = ISS Receive Stats Average
>>>         yaxis_max = 100
>>>         xaxis_groupby = month
>>>         xaxis_categories = 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 
>>> 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
>>>         time_length = year
>>>         [[[rxCheckPercent]]]
>>>             aggregate_type = avg
>>>             color = "#268bd2"
>>> Then at the top of your add this line which initializes 
>>> Highcharts for the [about] graph group
>>> <script type='text/javascript'>showChart("about");</script>
>>> Then inside your where you want the graph to actually appear 
>>> add this:
>>>             <div id="rxchart" style="margin-top:30px;"></div>
>>>             <div id="rxchartyear" style="margin-top:30px;"></div>
>>> Basically the top of the will initialize the Highcharts 
>>> [about] code, and the <div>'s tell it where to put those charts. You can 
>>> see that the <div ID> is the same name as the chart name inside the [about] 
>>> graph group. 
>>> With this simple logic in mind, you can put any chart on any page you 
>>> want. 
>>> On Saturday, August 10, 2019 at 5:13:31 PM UTC-4, Manfred Maier wrote:
>>>> Hi Pat,
>>>> a quick question: 
>>>> How do I get the Signal Quality / ISS Receive Stats onto the About 
>>>> page? I've tried $station.rxCheckPercent, but that triggered an error.
>>>> Is the of your page somewhere available?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Manfred. 

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