Improvement always possible, ;-) sometimes needed.

The setup with the HWA-template correctly produces the output-file, *but* 
the periodicity is unstable.
Any idea what could be the cause?

Op dinsdag 4 mei 2021 om 12:13:36 UTC+2 schreef Ton vanN:

> New template now running without errors (on WeeWX4.4.0&Python3.x on 
> Raspian_Buster) and the output-file checked to be compatible with the 
> serversoftware of HetWeerActueel (version HWA2.0)
> Backwards compatibility of this new template with older WeeWX-versions 
> (using Python2.x, and now using the 'old' template) *not* checked!
> Duplicate posting is not a good idea.
> Also because the members of HetWeerActueel are >90% dutch-speaking, 
> therefore the resulting solution is described (in  dutch) at 
> Would like to thank all contributors to my probing & trying:
> your hints really assisted to keep me to move forward!
> Op maandag 3 mei 2021 om 00:55:23 UTC+2 schreef gjr80:
>> It's a bit of python 2v3 and poor coding. The first thing to remember is 
>> that in a WeeWX Cheetah template .formatted (now .formatted()) returns a 
>> string, .raw returns the raw value; typically an int or a float or None 
>> (though it could also be a string if the underlying field is a string but 
>> there are none of those in any of the WeeWX shipped schemas).
>> Under python2 you can compare strings to numerics (int and float) without 
>> error, that being said you will not get the correct answer but it won't 
>> raise an error. Try doing this:
>> gary@buster5:~$ python2
>> Python 2.7.16 (default, Oct 10 2019, 22:02:15) 
>> [GCC 8.3.0] on linux2
>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>> >>> "5" > 4
>> True
>> >>> "3" > 4
>> True
>> >>> 
>> Note that the second expression gives and incorrect answer. Python 3 is a 
>> little more picky, trying the same under python3 raises an error:
>> gary@buster5:~$ python3
>> Python 3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44) 
>> [GCC 8.3.0] on linux
>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>> >>> "5" > 4
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>> TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
>> Then add into the mix the fact that a .raw could return the python value 
>> None. Python 2 will happily allow None in a comparison but python3 will 
>> not, it will raise a TypeError albeit with a different error message.
>> So getting back to the original comparison expression in the report. 
>> Under python2 it will operate without error, it may give the wrong result 
>> under certain conditions but it will not cause an error that will force the 
>> template generation to abort. Under python3 the expression will raise an 
>> error on every generation and the template will abort. The obvious solution 
>> is to change .format to .raw, that will work under most conditions but 
>> if $trend.barometer.raw is ever None (quite possible on startup or if 
>> there has been an interruption) it will fail. The solution is to either 
>> catch the error and deal with it or alter the conditional to check for 
>> None, eg (untested):
>> #if $trend.barometer.raw is not None and $trend.barometer.raw > 0
>> #do something
>> #end if
>> Gary
>> On Monday, 3 May 2021 at 07:56:41 UTC+10 wrote:
>>> Yes. 
>>> I can't find the official documentation but See 
>>> Although Python is strongly typed, Python 2 permits strange comparisons: 
>>> None 
>>> < 3 < "2"
>>> On Sun, May 2, 2021 at 2:47 PM Ton vanN <> wrote:
>>>> Reason for my speculation:
>>>> at the HWA-forum several people already using WeeWx for years with the 
>>>> original HWA-template, *probably* started & still operating with 
>>>> Python2.x, and never heard complaints about the template.
>>>> That triggers another aspect: 
>>>> when issuing for the HWA-Forum this updated version of the template, 
>>>> some advice must be given that (backwards) application with Python2.x must 
>>>> be checked.
>>>> Best to give this template-version and also the older version a 
>>>> related, distinguishing name.
>>>> Op zondag 2 mei 2021 om 23:33:32 UTC+2 schreef Ton vanN:
>>>>> Peter, that was the hint required!
>>>>> The HWA-template now has become active.
>>>>> Speculation, but could this be an aspect of changing from Python2.x to 
>>>>> Python3.x?
>>>>> Op zondag 2 mei 2021 om 23:06:42 UTC+2 schreef
>>>>>> Looks like that could be it. The .formatted is turning the barometer 
>>>>>> value into a string and comparing it against zero, which is an int. 
>>>>>> Might 
>>>>>> try 
>>>>>> $trend.barometer.raw > 0
>>>>>> I would have thought that Python would have cast the string into an 
>>>>>> int for you, but apparently not. 
>>>>>> On Sun, May 2, 2021 at 1:45 PM Ton vanN <> wrote:
>>>>>>> The error report for the HWA-template is like
>>>>>>>        May  2 22:20:46 Raspberry8 weewx[2139] ERROR 
>>>>>>> weewx.cheetahgenerator: **** Ignoring template 
>>>>>>> /home/weewx/skins/Standard/openweerdata.htm.tmpl
>>>>>>>         May  2 22:20:46 Raspberry8 weewx[2139] ERROR 
>>>>>>> weewx.cheetahgenerator: **** Reason: '>' not supported between 
>>>>>>> instances of 
>>>>>>> 'str' and 'int'
>>>>>>> That seems to point to the section in the template which determines 
>>>>>>> barotrend
>>>>>>> with first scriptlines
>>>>>>>       #if $trend.barometer.formatted > 0
>>>>>>>           \$barTrend = "Rising";
>>>>>>>       #end if
>>>>>>> *Not* *[?]* to the earlier section which translates windDir.raw 
>>>>>>> into windDirection, because those scriptlines have 'real' values for 
>>>>>>> comparison 
>>>>>>>       #if $current.windDir.raw >= 11.25 and $current.windDir.raw < 
>>>>>>> 33.75
>>>>>>>       \$windDirection = "NNO"; 
>>>>>>> Apparently some tiny detail which differentiates a comparison with 
>>>>>>> integer value and a comparison with real value:
>>>>>>> *or* is the problem in the lefthandside of the comparison?
>>>>>>> Op zondag 2 mei 2021 om 21:29:59 UTC+2 schreef Ton vanN:
>>>>>>>> That aspect of /home/weewx/skin/basic now solved.
>>>>>>>> Related question: solution also applicable for v4.5?
>>>>>>>> Now focus on finding solution for HWA-template. 
>>>>>>>> Op zondag 2 mei 2021 om 17:26:42 UTC+2 schreef
>>>>>>>>> It looks like the example skin "basic" has a few issues. To get it 
>>>>>>>>> to work, go into basic/index.html.tmpl and change this
>>>>>>>>>       <div id='data_table'>
>>>>>>>>>         #include $Extras.current
>>>>>>>>>         <p>&nbsp;</p>
>>>>>>>>>         #include $Extras.hilo
>>>>>>>>>       </div>
>>>>>>>>> to this
>>>>>>>>>       <div id='data_table'>
>>>>>>>>>         #include ""
>>>>>>>>>         <p>&nbsp;</p>
>>>>>>>>>         #include ""
>>>>>>>>>       </div>
>>>>>>>>> In the file, change this
>>>>>>>>> #if $trend.windSpeed.formatted > 0
>>>>>>>>>       &#8679;
>>>>>>>>> #elif $trend.windSpeed.formatted < 0
>>>>>>>>>       &#8681;
>>>>>>>>> #end if
>>>>>>>>> to this
>>>>>>>>> #if $trend.windSpeed.raw > 0
>>>>>>>>>       &#8679;
>>>>>>>>> #elif $trend.windSpeed.raw < 0
>>>>>>>>>       &#8681;
>>>>>>>>> #end if
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, May 2, 2021 at 12:45 AM Ton vanN <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Digging a bit deeper, the reason given for that errorreport is 
>>>>>>>>>> correct, because subfolder INST_SKIN_ROOT indeed does not exist
>>>>>>>>>> Reason: [Errno 2] Bestand of map bestaat niet: 
>>>>>>>>>> '/home/weewx/skins/basic/INST_SKIN_ROOT/basic/'
>>>>>>>>>> But why is WeeWx asking for it? This is standard configuration 
>>>>>>>>>> (besides my activation of StdReport and related mod of skin.conf).
>>>>>>>>>> Op zondag 2 mei 2021 om 09:27:56 UTC+2 schreef Ton vanN:
>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps related:
>>>>>>>>>>> the error reported in time-segment 08:21:58 is strange, because 
>>>>>>>>>>> the file index.html.tmpl is actually present at the indicated 
>>>>>>>>>>> location.
>>>>>>>>>>> Op zondag 2 mei 2021 om 08:35:33 UTC+2 schreef Ton vanN:
>>>>>>>>>> Tom,
>>>>>>>>>>>> ;-) That was a really good advice!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Turned to running WeeWX as daemon, started the logging and got 
>>>>>>>>>>>> a different read-out which now includes a reference to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> HWA-template.
>>>>>>>>>>>> That confirms my 'nagging feeling' that something is not OK 
>>>>>>>>>>>> with the handling of that HWA-template: see time-segment 08:21:59
>>>>>>>>>>>> Next step is finding a soulution .....
>>>>>>>>>>>> Op zaterdag 1 mei 2021 om 20:02:10 UTC+2 schreef 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is most likely being caused by the terminal session 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> detaching from the process. This can happen when you ssh into a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> computer, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> start a process, then exit the ssh session.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Either run weewxd as a daemon, or keep the terminal window 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> open.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's the best I can come up with.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, May 1, 2021 at 4:24 AM Anton vanNwnhzn@GMail <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Addition to description of *Sequence1*.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once weewx has been started, at Putty's CLI appears the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expected stream of print-out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At the keyboard break that stream ends with an error report.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps that error report also provides some relevant info?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See below the last printout from the loop and the error 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> report mentioned above.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOOP:   2021-05-01 13:17:59 CEST (1619867879) altimeter: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 31.165113295698216, appTemp: 28.451970776082117, barometer: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 31.09999991633433, cloudbase: 1300.0558352360692,    
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consBatteryVoltage: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12.743352544782736, dateTime: 1619867879, dewpoint: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 27.19647824994742, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heatindex: 32.6713164908827, heatingVoltage: 11.71583632592742, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humidex: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 32.6713164908827, inDewpoint: 31.079532540856405, inHumidity: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 29.99999665337326, inTemp: 63.00000167331337, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inTempBatteryStatus: 0, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maxSolarRad: 812.0133117257177, outHumidity: 79.99999749002984, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outTemp: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 32.6713164908827, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 31.09999991633433, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> radiation: 888.7102401456455, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rainRate: 0.0, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 45.10949739082836, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supplyVoltage: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12.0, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 12.441943362039037, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6713164908827, windDir: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 359.99998494017905, windGust: 5.019940321204786e-07, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> windGustDir: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 359.99998494017905, windSpeed: 4.1832835950827985e-07
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   File "./bin/weewxd", line 264, in <module>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     main()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   File "./bin/weewxd", line 157, in main
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/", line 208, in run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     for packet in self.console.genLoopPackets():
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/drivers/", line 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 162, in genLoopPackets
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     time.sleep(sleep_time)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KeyboardInterrupt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pi@Raspberry8:/home/weewx $ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Op 1-5-2021 om 12:28 schreef Ton vanN:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As requested, a leaner realisation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In attached file the results of 2 sequences executed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - in both cases 'clean restart' of the raspberry to ensure 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that no unintended process running, followed by 1 direct 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> switch-on of weewx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - the sequences differ in the way going to logging, as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> described in the file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - in sequence1 apparently oneshot run before weewx stops. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exit of logging is by keyboard break.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - in sequence2 stream of repeating logging info. Also 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> terminated the logging by keyboard break.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Op vrijdag 30 april 2021 om 17:34:47 UTC+2 schreef 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have many instances of weewxd all running 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simultaneously. Kill them all, then start one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 7:56 AM Ton vanN <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As requested.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scanning the logging see repeated reporting of loading of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> StdReport, but no text clearly pointing to errors in execution 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> StandardReport, nor any results.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But as explained in the first message of this thread, have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'limited' experience with weewx ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Op vrijdag 30 april 2021 om 11:28:53 UTC+2 schreef gjr80:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The config files and template tell us what should be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happening but the log will tell us what is actually 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happening. Have you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looked in the log? Are there any errors? You already have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> debug = 1 in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weewx.conf so you should be able to work out from the log 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what is being 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> generated and what is not. Post at least 10 minutes of log 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here and we can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see what is going on. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, 30 April 2021 at 19:00:29 UTC+10 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tom,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Puzzled/baffled, because following the hints from you and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> taking into account also the hints from the much earlier 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion between 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you and Franklin Bockstael, but still no file 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> openweerdata.htm appearing in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folder /home/weewx/public_html.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have attached the (probably) relevant setup-files:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - weewx.conf which in folder /home/weewx enables 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Standard-skin and sets the related HTML_Root to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/weewx/public_html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (*on purpose*, to get a different output from 'basic' 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - skin.conf which in folder /home/weewx/skins/Standard in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the [ToDate]-segment at the first lines enables/sets the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> template for owd 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (and disables the 'later', other templates)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - the template openweerdata.htm.tmpl as located in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/weewx/skins/Standard 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The adapted conf-files seem OK, but now the nagging 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feeling that the template has an inhibiting error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But that is contradicted by the fact that Franklin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bockstael has it in operation since long time without 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> During testing not running WeeWx as daemon, but 'discrete 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start' by command ./bin/weexd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you see a solution?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Op woensdag 28 april 2021 om 15:40:06 UTC+2 schreef 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I should add that the template must also be listed in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the corresponding skin.conf, in the [[ToDate]] section.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 6:31 AM Tom Keffer <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, the skin has to be enabled for any of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> templates in the skin's folder to be processed. So, if you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put your "HWA" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> template in ./Standard, then the report StandardReport 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> must be enabled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or, you can put HWA in your "./basic" folder, then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enable your basic report.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Either way will work. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 1:07 AM Ton vanN <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Brainwave?*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aiming at a first, basic realisation the folder 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/weewx/skins/Standard seeming the 'obvious' place, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the template for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> generation of the HWA-file was put in that folder.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Considering similarity with generation of other 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> html-files the call to the HWA-template was put in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skin.conf in same folder 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/weewx/skins/Standard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking in /home/weewx at the below setting in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weewx.conf, starting to doubt that such choice is correct.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         [[StandardReport]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             # This is the old "Standard" skin. By 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default, it is not enabled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             skin = Standard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             enable = false
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        [[basic]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             skin = basic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             HTML_ROOT = /var/weewx/reports
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             [[[Extras]]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 current = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INST_SKIN_ROOT/basic/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 hilo = INST_SKIN_ROOT/basic/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If enable=false, *it looks as if*  'Standard'will not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be called and (as consequence no call to the HWA-template 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at it's present 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> location).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But if that assumption is correct, where should I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alternatively put the template and call to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HWA-template to stay in line 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with 'normal practise'?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *[Or simple enabling of 'Standard'?]*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Op woensdag 28 april 2021 om 08:30:52 UTC+2 schreef 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ton vanN:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As requested, attached is the repeating segment of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the syslog with debug=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Op dinsdag 27 april 2021 om 13:21:12 UTC+2 schreef 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please try again, but this time set debug=1 first. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stop weewx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Set debug=1 (in weewx.conf)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Restart weewx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Post the log from startup. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -tk
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 5:41 AM Ton vanN <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Related syslog-segment from RPI_CLI obtained with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PuttySSH
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Op vrijdag 26 maart 2021 om 10:00:19 UTC+1 schreef 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ton vanN:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Novice to WeeWX.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have the main progam as simulator up and running 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (= see files updating in folder public_html ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now trying to implement a template to generate an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uploadfile for HetWeerActueel.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [has been discussed earlier in this forum, but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that discussion apparently not ending with working 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Template [attached in zip-file] should generate a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> htm-file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For activation of the template I inserted the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following text in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/weewx/skins/Standard/skin.conf at the end of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the section CheetahGenerator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     [[HWA]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         # Report that generates an uploadfile for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HetWeerActueel.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         [[[OWD]]]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             template = openweerdata_wx.htm.tmpl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Would expect the generated htm-file to appear in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folder public_html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When running WeeWX no errors (which is OK), but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also nowhere the expected htm-file:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what needs to be done to activate 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file-generation?  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============================================================
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>>>>>> Peter Quinn
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