Regarding "phone home" I plan to experiment with such devices next year
My goal is to capture all the broadcasted values from my devices, cache 
them locally, publish them in realtime using MQTT and make cached values 
available using REST. In other words: build my own GW. I didn't find any 
projects like that so far. In theory, it should be possible to combine any 
wireless sensor which is broadcasting unencrypted values, into one such 
gateway. My resources are very limited, so we'll see. I'm still hoping to 
find something out there, that solved this already in the one or the other 
way and made it available for the public.

It would be more than nice, if one could use his Davis UV/radiation sensor, 
his ecowitt rain gauge and LaCrosse anemometer to be read by a single 

Sorry for OT!

vince schrieb am Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2023 um 21:48:43 UTC+1:

> Too many options but there are 'years' of recommendations over in 
> if you poke around there.
> For a $300-800 price range you will likely not do better than Davis but 
> the crazy expensive part is getting it online so you can hook it into 
> weewx.  You also need to consider if you want a LAN-only solution like most 
> old-school folks do.   These days most vendors (Ecowitt) require a gateway 
> that phones home to China occasionally for software updates or watchdog 
> heartbeat checks.  Other vendors have moved to a 'feed THEIR site' model 
> that you can't turn off (WeatherFlow, Davis with the new console) that many 
> people are starting to object to.
> For a LAN-only solution you can get there for about $600 if you go Davis 
> Vue sensor suite, a old-style Davis console, and their absurdly expensive 
> logger.  That would be plug+play with no vendor accounts etc. needed.   If 
> you go with a Meteo-Pi third party logger you're down in the $550 range or 
> so although the Meteo-Pi has some setup needs.   Both scientificsales and 
> scaledinstruments have been great vendors for Davis gear historically so 
> compare the two re: price.
> Reason I mention Davis is their gear seems to last forever.   If you bump 
> up your budget and go VP2 the pieces of the puzzle are pretty replaceable 
> as things age and stuff eventually fails, but it's really big in size.
> For integrating other stuff, I use MQTT to feed Home Assistant and display 
> on a 8" Kindle Fire tablet running free FullyKioskBrowser.  Works great.
> Since you have inside sensors you probably don't need the inside console 
> unless you really wanted one, so you could get there with a Vue sensor 
> suite ($300), a Meteo-Pi ($85), and a Kindle Fire when you catch it on sale 
> ($40).   That plus whatever gear you'd need to run weewx + HomeAssistant + 
> MQTT and the time value of your labor and blood pressure.  Once you have it 
> set up, it would run hands-off.   A pi4 would be plenty good enough to run 
> all that stuff, although around here I offloaded HomeAssistant+ZWave+MQTT 
> to a little i3 linux box (under Docker) for performance reasons.   I could 
> likely fit everything on the pi4 if needed without too much worrying other 
> than trying to minimize SD writes.
> Careful with solutions that have the new Davis console.  There's no 
> programming API there so you'd need to have the console feed Davis (ET 
> phone home) and then your weewx setup would need to 'query' Davis for your 
> data.  Not a fan here of those kind of things but that's where the vendors 
> seem to be going.

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