Follow-up Comment #13, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

> it could still work if a preload event just detected a reloaded game and
then first moveto event (or select event or wesnoth.game_events.on_event(?))
arranged a menu for a player. 

that'd prevent the ui problem but still the dilaog wouldn't show up in the
rplay becasue the preload events didint happen.
and select event arent mpsave, and wesnoth.game_events.on_event is onyl mpsave
(mpsave = replaysave) when the fired event is a mpsave event.

> It wouldn't help me: In fact I need to 'return' from the end of turn 3 to
the begining of turn 2. 

hm i thought becasue you said earlier:
> In Conquest Minus, after the point of the first save and before the reload,
the game continues one more turn so that the players can make some input. If
the game continued (without a reload) then there would be one additional dummy
turn, which would increase a natural turn numbering. This is why the game must
be reloaded. 
which could maybe the be solved my moving all the "make some input" in the
"turn 2" event. But maybe you meant player actions (move, attack) while i
thought you meant right click menus, [message][option] and similar by input.

> I object mostly from a general point a view: IMO a replay should be an exact
there are other events aswell which arent fired in the replay (select events,
victory events) and also there it's in the repsosibility of the
addonprogrammer no not modify the gamestate too much. Think of preload event
similar to select events, that what i currently do. It's not impossible to
implement fireing the preload events in replays, but as long as i don't know a
good scenario where that'd be useful i won't do this work (and i still didn't
understand what you are tying to do). Also becasue i currently believe that
relaoding should not change the gamestate, and instead behave like the
original game. Because i also think that this is what most players would
expect (especialy in SP).

I was thinking about a feature to 'escape' the unsycned context, during select
event which should then also work during preload events, similar to
ai.synced_command from which i don't know whether it's aquirable durign
preload events. but i doubt that'll go into 1.12.


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