Follow-up Comment #9, bug #21776 (project wesnoth):

> Also this bug happens with reloaded savefiles: 
that bug is indeed very strange but if i am correct (im not 100% sure though)
these savefiles are generated by the server, while this bug is completely
localted on client side, so i doubt they are related.

> you mean "in game_events.on_load"? 
no you cannot use game_events.on_load in mpgames. And even if, it would be
skipped in replays too. i didnt meant you could achieve what you want with
"game_events.on_save" but you can use it to keep non-constant lua varuiables
consistent in savefiles. using set_variabe in on_save and get_variable and
clear afterwards in preload.

> if [variables] didn't exist then this bug could be prevented in a reload
ogh it seems like saveloading in mp is seriously bugged, and i think that bug
is definitely more serious than this bug ... .

> a savefile can serve as the starting point of the game and can offer choices

hmm i still don't understand what you mean.


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