For information, there is a lvl 0 unit called "Henchman" in the L3_Outlaws pack.
If i recall correctly it is a chaotic unit who has a 4-2 or 5-2 melee impact
attack and no ranged attack.
It can advance to either the Thug or the Footpad.
You can find a modified version of the unit in the Extended Era (i modified the
price, perhaps a few other stats, because i found the L3_Outlaws version a
little too weak.

By the way,
Selon "Eric S. Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Wherefore, I propose that we modify the Peasant slightly and add two
> new level 0 units.  Here's a table.  Changes from the existing
> Peasant class are marked with *.
> Name      Alignment  GP  HP  Melee          Ranged
> -------   ---------  --  --  -------------  -------------
> Peasant   Neutral*    8  18  5-2 pitchfork  4-1 pitchfork
> Hunter    Chaotic     8  18  4-1 spear      5-2 bow
> Citizen   Lawful      8  18  4-2 spear      5-1 bow
> Peasants advance to any of: Spearman, Bowman, Thug*, or Poacher*.
> Hunters advance to Thug, Poacher. or Outlaw.
> Citizens advance to Spearman or Bowman.

This causes a RIPLIB* problem with the Hunter :
- Advancing to the Thug : no ranged attack
- Advancing to the Footpad or to the Poacher : looses the pierce melee attack
and the melee attack is not strong enough to cover the difference
The Henchman don't have this problem since at least one of his advancements(both
in fact) are stricly superior.

(*) Reduction In Power while Leveling Is Bad : none of the levelups are stricly

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