jeremy rosen <>:
> 2) interpreted languages are not inherently slower, however I disagree
> with ESR in that machine are getting faster... not for wesnoth. We do
> have a handheld community with pentium-class machines, and we should
> take them into account

We will lose some performance; Python has run-tine overhead that C++
does not.  However, we will gain it back in other ways: (a) smaller
code working set leading to fewer cache misses, (b) higher-level
optimizations in Python, including a load-only-on-demand capability
that is already confirmed by loonycyborg to speed up game
initialization a great deal.

> 4) btw, how does it integrate with the python AI ?

I don't know yet.  Perhaps Ivan will answer.

I do think that the AI is near the top of the list of targets to be
moved to Python.  As opposed, for example, to the display-handling
> 5) I'm not very clear on what was implemented and what wasn't, the
> kind of job porting require what parts are impacted, what kind of job
> we're going into... remember I don't know python

I'm still exploring this myself.  It looks like Ivan has taken an
outside-in approach, implementing game_controller and play_controller
and the other high-level logic in the main loop first and leaving the
service classes in C++ to be called from the Python.  That is, Python
has taken over the root of the static call tree with most of the
branches still in C++. This is sensible and, in fact, exactly how I
had planned to tackle the job.

What is still to be done is a large undertaking, no question about
that. But now that Ivan has the outer framework in place, we should be
able to tackle the C++ one class at a time, gradually working down the
branches of the call tree, deciding at each step whether to
reimplement each piece in Python or leave it in C++ for performance

> 6) what about gettext ? do we need to worry about it, or will it work the 
> same ?

I believe it will work almost the same way.  I know that a gettext support
library is available for Python source code.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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