David White <d...@whitevine.net>:
> I am incredibly doubtful of this: it implies that the Python interpreter
> and associated libraries are smaller than the Wesnoth engine. Even if it
> is so, I doubt that cache misses when loading code form a significant
> part of any kind of Wesnoth performance problems.
> On the other hand, I think that Python will perform much worse in terms
> of cache misses when accessing data. Python has to use a lot of hash
> tables, and they are not very nice to caches.

Could be you're right.  Measurement beats theorizing and we;ll
get to measure.

> What do you mean by the load-only-on-demand capability? What exactly is
> loaded only on demand?

Game WML.  I'm not sure what he's doing, but loonycyborg says load
is blazing fast.
> I tried Ivan's branch, and from what I can see, hardly anything is
> re-implemented. One can't start a campaign, multiplayer game, or the
> tutorial. Looking at the code it looks like only very few high level
> functions are ported.

Yes.  It's only a proof of concept.

> This is also the opposite of how I suggest doing it. I suggest
> switching over one component at a time, rather than doing a sweeping
> change, and make sure that Wesnoth works well at each point.

I've addressed this in another post.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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