Mark de Wever <>:
> Personally I think the map editor should stay a map editor and we better
> start a separate scenario editor.

I understand the impulse. But, sadly, a general scenario editor is an
unachievable mirage that would only get in the way of achievable
improvements.  I learned this the hard way on a different project.

I once spent a significant amount of time over several years trying to
figure out how to write a visual editor for heraldic achievements
(coats-of-arms).  A visual pick-and-place editor isn't hard, but
heraldry has a parallel representation is a restricted dialect mixed
from English on Old French called "blazon", which is (in effect)
a structured declarative language.  Here's an example of blazon:

Argent, on a chevron gules between three leopard's faces sable three

It describes this image: 

Ideally you want your heraldry editor to simultaneously modify a visual
representation and a structural description that can be used as
a deep structure for generating blazon.  In this case the blazon
(or, rather, the structure tree representation from which one
might generate blazon) is closely analogous to WML; the visual 
information is analogies to a map.

The heraldry-editing problem is similar to but simpler than the
problem of editing WML markup through a purely visual interface (that
is, without cheating and opening a window on the textual WML
representation).  It's simpler because blazon blacks branches and
loops (it does have something like variables, or at least backward

I concluded with regret that there is no good solution. Gestures in a
visual interface simply are not a rich enough primitive set to capture
even the primitive structures of blazon. They would be even more
inadequate to cover WML, which is Turing-complete.

To see why this is in the WML case, imagine trying to express an
if-then-else in the underlying WML using gestures over the map.  You
can't do it - just the sublanguage required for expressing the gaurd
part is too hard.

Thus, I believe design effort spent thinking about a general scenario
editor is wasted, and any planning based on it is futile.  We'll never
get away from editing scenario WML at the markup level; the only
realistic goal is to enable visual editing of the parts that actually
do fit well into a point-and-shoot interface, and enhance WML so
we can separate those parts out of the procedural markup but link
them back to it.

> > There are two main goals associated with these features:
> > 
> > A) What *can* be edited visually *should* be, in the map editor,
> >    in order to reduce the complexity of (the quasi-procedural part of) 
> >    scenario WML.
> Where does this stop? eg placing units can be done visually as well. (Not
> meant sarcastically, but a serious question about what we want to
> achieve to do visually.)

It doesn't stop anywhere short of what is possible.  This probably
does include placing units.  But, as I explained above, there are
fundamental reasons that visual-gesture editing will *never* cover our
entire problem domain.
> > These design goals enable the following meta-goals:
> > 
> > I) As much of the complexity of scenario design as possible should be 
> >    moved from hand-crafted WML to representations that can be
> >    visually edited, to simplify the design task.
> How does this differ from point A above?

Different emphasis.  The meta-goals were intended an outside-in vuew from a
content authors point of view, rather than centered on what developers
know about the primitive objects in the system.  Perhaps I didn't 
express this very well.
> I think we should add an additional design goal instead.
> Make it possible that the editor opens a scenario file to load all
> related data and can write it properly back, without making a mess of
> the WML.

I don't want to try to go there.  Designs that try to mix
tool-centered editing and editing of the same data unit by hand are
*notoriously* bug prone.  One problem is that human beings have a
pesky habit of hand-hacking the parts that the tool "owns" in ways
that they don't realize violate the tool's expectations, leading to
cascading damage when the tool is next applied.

I think it's better to have a clean separation between things the
editor owns (the .map files) and things that humans edit (the .cfg
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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