On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 10:26:48AM -0500, Eric Raymond wrote:
> Mark de Wever <ko...@xs4all.nl>:

> > > A) What *can* be edited visually *should* be, in the map editor,
> > >    in order to reduce the complexity of (the quasi-procedural part of) 
> > >    scenario WML.
> > 
> > Where does this stop? eg placing units can be done visually as well. (Not
> > meant sarcastically, but a serious question about what we want to
> > achieve to do visually.)
> It doesn't stop anywhere short of what is possible.  This probably
> does include placing units.  But, as I explained above, there are
> fundamental reasons that visual-gesture editing will *never* cover our
> entire problem domain.

Can you please tell me what you exactly want to do in the editor and
what not. I've asked for it several times so I can form an opinion
whether I think it should be in the map editor or in a separate scenario


Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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