On 2010/4/2, Fabian Mueller wrote:
> I have just finished a small patch that introduces a new slider in the
> game creation dialogue
> in MP.
> The slider can be set from 1 to 3 and gives the times the unit's
> statistics are multiplied with.
> Multiplied are the HP, the attack numbers and all healing/poison.

I'm not sure this is the way to go, as it would cause all the
balancing effort to be lost. I think it would be better for units to
always do damage, but with weak hits and critical hits. Only critical
hits would apply abilities and their chance to hit would be the
current one. The slider would then decide how damage is split between
weak and critical hits. (Note that setting critical hits at 100%
damage gives precisely the current system.) That way, the combat
system would still have the exact same statistical properties (average
damage, chance to apply abilities, etc) than the current one, hence
ensuring that unit balance is preserved.

Best regards,


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