On 2010/4/2, Fabian Mueller wrote:

> Every ability that influences HP or amount of strikes can be multiplied
> as well, I see no problems there.

The problem is the same as with poison and slow. If you increase the
number of strikes, you increase the chance to hit, which causes an

> I see one problem, at which adjustment would you aim for the same
> balance as the normal
> gameplay? Most likely the poison/slow whatever issue would only be
> balanced around a single
> value, and I think we shouldn't offer a slider that can be used to
> unbalance the gameplay too much.

No, the whole point of my proposal is that all the settings are
equivalent from a statistical point of view. If the game is currently
balanced, it is supposed to be balanced for all the settings between
0-100 and 50-50. Obviously, the gameplay may become quite different at
50-50. (Thunderers become completely different units, but that's also
true with your proposal.) But we shouldn't care about balancing
anything else than 0-100. People will have to accept that the game is
guaranteed to be balanced only for the current mode, and the more you
move the slider away from 0-100, the more the game experience changes.

Best regards,


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