On 2010/4/2, Fabian Mueller wrote:

>> I'm not sure this is the way to go, as it would cause all the
>> balancing effort to be lost.
> Are you talking about slow/poison only or is really "all the balancing
> effort" lost for some reason I don't see?

Yes, slow and poison. (And all the campaign abilities, since I don't
see a reason to restrict this mode to multiplayer only.)

>>   I think it would be better for units to
>> always do damage, but with weak hits and critical hits. Only critical
>> hits would apply abilities and their chance to hit would be the
>> current one.
> The critical hits that can apply abilities (you are still talking about
> slow and poison, right?)
> is a good idea to balance the abilities, but giving the damage always is
> much to radical for
> my taste.
> I like Wesnoth's luck system and don't want to remove it completely.

Neither do I. In case it wasn't obvious: weak hits deal reduced damage.

For instance, a 33-67% split between weak and critical hits for a unit
with 70% chance to deal 10 damage currently would cause the unit to
deal 4 damage when missing and 8 damage when hitting. (I'm not saying
the 33-67% split is an interesting split, it's just to give an

The 0-100% split is the current system. The 50-50% split is a system
without luck involved (except for abilities).

Best regards,


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