On Mon, Apr 01, 2013 at 09:57:07PM +0200, Nils Kneuper wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Okay, considering the feedback I got regarding the pros and cons for each
> solution I have to agree that these two are valid points speaking for github:

I still don't feel we got a 100% go at GitHub for the reasons stated in
the forum. However if we move to GitHub and they, at some point, decide
we use too much resources and requests us to leave it would be possible
to move back to SF or somewhere else. (Which luckily should be rather
easy with Git.)

> What remains now is:
> 1) Everyone who has not voted yet should head over to [1] and submit their
> vote. Just don't vote if you don't care either way. The deadline for voting:
> *Poll runs till 03 Apr 2013, 02:47*

Seeing how the Git transition process, after timely announcements
upfront, turned into this mess and especially how esr is `rewarded' for
his efforts I stopped caring. So I don't care where the source is hosted
as long as I can commit.

Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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