Dear all.
Emotion of course needs to be regulated by communication that comes from the 
prefrontal cortex back down to the amygdala and dopamine actually broadcasts 
its signal broadly throughout the cerebral cortex. Because dopamine neurons 
which prominent projection to the prefrontal cortex up to the striatum and it 
can projects nicely to the amygdala as well. Therefore in order to be in 
position to broadcast some kind of information a particular focus on the 
information should be related to reward and reward prediction to a wide aspect 
of the brain. Reward is basically objects that make us produce approach 
behavior, an approach that we may need to spend energy on and also reward make 
human to learn things. Rewards enter to neurobiology in 1950 when Olds and 
Milner’s famous experience in series of which they put small wires into the 
brains of little rats over and over to produce a current to their brain. 
However the current that was produced was so weak that an individual can not 
sense and it does not tickle on ones skin and this made the rats to press the 
lever over and over to have the electric stimulus inside their brain. But this 
is not an where but it is in a particular parts of the brain. The rats felt the 
approach behavior was so strong that generate power of electricity stimulus to 
stop eating, stop drinking and stop having sex. The more you leave them 
continue with that it may lead to their death because they no more eat. It was 
so difficult to recognize brain system that was stimulated, however this also 
make it hard to see your electrode. After this entire search you will realized 
that it was in the brain stem where it was and also in the anterior midbrain 
where it actually quite complicated to find individual brain structure. In late 
1950s to 1970s the revolution of neurotransmission in chemical 
neurotransmitters was made where a number of them were identified including 
dopamine. Dopamine is chemical that services a neurotransmitter and is located 
in neurons that release fro neurons to identify the anatomic position in the 
brain. During the process of the dopamine projection to the striatum to the 
prefrontal cortex and the amygdala including other brain structures this made 
the most important ones turned that manipulation of the dopamine 
neurotransmission by giving dopamine antagonists and other substances to modify 
reward-seeking behavior. This was discovered by Roy Wiess and associates and 
other people that were dealing with electrical stimulation for brain reward 
partly related to the dopamine neurons. In fact stimulating the dopamine 
neurons meant the animal should repeat the electrical stimulation but it is 
like getting reward. The essence of addiction, why people take drugs, people 
take drugs to make them feel good or because they want to feel good. All the 
drugs of abuse that we know that make people feel good also increases dopamine 
in the pleasure centers of the brain and that is where it is believed to 
actually to be crucially for producing reward effects  and ultimately lead to 
the changes that we observe in addiction. With today’s imaging technology 
neurologists can actually go more inside the brain of addicted people to see 
what areas of the brain are disrupted and that will give more explanation as to 
why the addicted person can not control the urge to take drugs even pleasurable 
an more. They were pleasurable initially but as the continue repeating taking 
the drugs, the pleasurable become less  and less and it resulted to start 
taking it not to get high but just to feel normal. Because of Imaging and 
scanning the inside of the human brain to see famous dopamine cells and this 
cells releases dopamine when you take drug and it sends message by binding to 
the receptors. This process is like taking radioactive compound that actually 
bind when the receptors are not occupied by dopamine so this will allow you 
take image and then bring the subject back and test them when they are taking 
drugs like cocaine. Cocaine interferes with dopamine removal from the space and 
that dopamine occupies all the receptors in such a way that when given 
radioactive compound the receptors are occupied and the brain activity that is 
a function of the drugs will increase the dopamine. This will make one go 
inside the human brain with the modern technology to see the addicted person 
and a person that’s not addicted to compare the brain when they are given 
drugs. These were some of the things that Wolfram actually described many years 
ago that once the brain learn certain stimulant produces reward and it stops 
increasing dopamine with that stimulant and instead increases dopamine when 
there is a stimulant associated with it that predicts the individual is going 
to be rewarded. It is also what is known as conditioning and that was what 
Pavlov described with his dog.  People who are addicted to drugs are increasing 
dopamine when they see a person that they use to take drugs before in the 
neighborhood where they actually have been.  To this context addiction has a 
particular promise because it is far easier to model in an animal than other 
psychiatric conditions however it unlikely that lay men does not understand 
what animal like mouse and rats under a certain circumstances can choice to 
self administer and addict itself to the same range of drugs that people self 
administer and addict themselves to.
Best wishes 


Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 09:51:54 -0700
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Can Northern Uganda cast vote of self-destruction?

Dear learned friends,
Various posts on this forum have made us look like puppets of parties; 
presumably gov't and opposition. One school of thought thinks the other is 
unjustifiably opposed to gov't. I think thats not true. We've all come to 
recognize that government can not do everything for people just as she can't 
neglect her obligations of creating basic infrastructures that catalyse 
citizens’ developmental initiatives. In an event basic social services are not 
delivered to needy citizens, and attempts to demand or bring the issues to 
forefront is viewed as opposition, then there must no link between a tax payer 
and a government. Some people still believe if say water supply is extended to 
people, government is doing them a favor. Others think silence over poor 
service delivery is the best way to deal with a government with unwavering 
intention not to act. All these thoughts including others being propagated 
through instilling fear, emphasizing inappropriateness of the channel, playing 
it safe, acting like biblical prodigal son, through betrayal, getting hard on 
our brothers back home etc. are all welcome but one big reality which many will 
come in terms with at a later time is: politics and development are 
inseparable. An audit of the miserable state of affairs of our people today 
could point to political decisions made against them or by them. Therefore to 
avoid similar mistakes, West Nile needs leaders who are for the people not 
people who claim to for the people for convenience. 
Standing for the people entails recognising the magnitude of the problem they 
face and understanding the route causes of their problems. Many at times 
peoples' problems are not what the elite think they are that’s why attempts to 
fix such problems with remotely fantasized solutions fail. I entirely agree 
with Mr. Avudria on holding our brothers and sisters by thier horns on 
accountability but i also request that holding gov't accountable to tax payers 
as Mrs. Munduru put it be viewed without prejudice. Secondly if gov't doesn't 
allocate money for implementation or supervision UPE or USE programmes as was 
the case reported by Education officials, who takes responsibility in that 
case, our brothers or gov't?
On failure of previous attempts to yield expected results, there are lessons to 
learn. It can be argued there have been problems with messengers thats why 
development has eluded us. This can be true but how about regions like Busoga, 
Karamoja and Teso before 2006 which have played on current proposals of saying 
yes to everything? Are they anywhere or still languish in jiggers, without 
dams, better health facilties, etc? John, NGOs, private-public partnersips have 
worked else where not West Nile. Note: Maracha-Terego district rivalry is being 
championed third parties to divide people once united by and for a common 
purpose. People in a burning house are now arguing over nothing.
One last question for the weekend: if children study under the kind of 
situation I've depicted in the snapshot below, who should tax payers turn to 
for explanation on whether their taxes are used to educate their children? 


Nice weekend!


Denis Lee Oguzu

From: gard ajedra <>
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <>
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 11:27:18 AM
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Can Northern Uganda cast vote of self-destruction?

Brother Ejiku,

I concur with you that the Foundation should be neutral and not engage in 
partisan politics.  Those wish to propagate their political views should find 
other fora to do so.  We should focus on development issues in our region and 
how our people can be assisted to get out of the misery which is bedeviling our 
region.  For example, how the Public University can be operationalized as soon 
as possible, particularly in view of the fact that the region is ranked worse 
in academics.

Dr. Ajedra

Dear all,

I am drawn to comment on the battle lines drawn by Christine and Akile on the 
subject matter raised by Lee. I still would like to agree with Akile that the 
subject of such discussions could be disastrous to the forum because it can 
easily be intepreted out of context and make West Nile Foundation sound 
partisan - I beilieve as a Civil Society Organisation, we should as much as 
possible reflect this nutrality. 

Information contained in Lees analysis is important for public consumption and 
governments consideration. I would rather they be discussed as development 
concerns but not engage it in party lines. We should maintain our civil duties 
of informing and educating our people and yet be conscious of the fragile 
'freedom of expression' practiced in Uganda. Otherwise, we are likely to set a 
precedence that will eventually eat into our ideals and focus.

I rest my case.

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