Great Observation,
WestNile needs a total re-think as to how we can forge growth and development 
in the region; we need to act on key success drivers and be shrewed there, 
something similar to what the Businessmen are doing, branded as "Arua Boys". We 
have to creat that numbers and impact in the follow areas
1-Agriculture- lets lilt towards commecialization; agric success was 
traditionally; tobbacco, coffee, cotton, Tea and to some extent cattle keeping- 
that was Westnile, then in commercial sense. They need to be revived, bit by 
bit and monitor progress
2- Education-Westnile has had good brains in this sector-  Can't we make these 
brains 'invade'-good schools in the country; Budo, Namagunga, Ntare, Kitende, 
Nanugogo etc, in big numbers and demonstrate results at home? Not forgetting 
that these can generate sufficient trickling effect...but critical mass, or 
better still great numbers are needed e.g many doctors , engineers, Lawyere, 
Accountants, Influential Politicians, Corporate Managers-CEO's, MDs and more 
guys in influencial positions- ready to creat impact and earn hefty sums e.g 
UGX 5Om per month...Not for the faint hearted and excuses but work for them. We 
have great work attitude but we need to drive to its complete end. THE BENEFITS 
twigger so many things; high incomes-which can be used to pay school fees in 
not only good schools but can also boost the local schools..the adage is' where 
ever there are resources-issues
 flow quickly.
3-Business- Proximity to boarders can a good load of benefits to be exploited; 
Sudan, Congo etc..WestNilers need  to take advantage inoreder to exploit 
resource & skills gaps- I can see some WestNilers in South Sudan, Congo etc in 
businesses, corporates etc. Kenyans have exploited this tendency-in Congo, 
Rwanda etc...they have a strong solidarity and leave a womnderful landmark
4-Industries and Other Service sectors- We had Adrikos and many must be 
encouraged and sustained.
note: a) Need to have develop & growth agenda- disseminate to  win people's 
hearts and thus preach- periodic evaluation programs.
         b)Above all, we must learn to channell funds more to productive 
ventures rather than to promote our consumption egos.
and-list is endless...what is is important is to start, in our small bits, get 
more pragmatic and stop lamenting...we need to show positive results my 
brothers and sisters
Best rgds
Gilbert Ringtho


From: George Afi Obitre-Gama <>
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <> 
Sent: Thursday, 28 February 2013, 8:11
Subject: [WestNileNet] A-Level Results WN Results - Pg 8 Monitor


I have gone through the today's Monitor list(pg 8) of A-level rankings one by 
one(1-273) without seeing our prominent schools in West Nile apart from Mvara 
SS which is ranked a whooping no. 187!!! I don't see Ombaci, Muni, Nyapea  and 
others and they happen not be listed - probably my eyes are getting old!! 

Tabu Butagira should probably clarify if another list exists - otherwise I see 
the performance as already pathetic not withstanding the fact that the best P7 
Pupil in West Nile got an agg 7.

I am very angry and annoyed. What is happening? Are we not engaging our 
youngsters enough!!

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