That was whý I suggested that we could have another constructor that took an 
Ichoicerender. There are tons of places in other wicket core components that 
supply a constructor that takes the ichoicerender. 
SO I think it should be ok? I would really like that ichoicerenderer would be 
supported by every component where it makes sense...
Should we move this do the dev list?
regards Nino


Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] på vegne af Igor Vaynberg
Sendt: to 29-03-2007 19:11
Emne: Re: [Wicket-user] Radio.getValue?

On 3/29/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

        Looking at that code, I don't understand why we even need:
        private short uuid = -1;
        as there is no code other than in getValue that changes the value, and
        that value can just be recreated everytime it is needed (as it is 
        nothing more than a call to getPage().getAutoIndex()). Am I missing
        something here?

yes, you are missing the fact that getautoindex() increments the index on every 
call that is why we cache it in the uuid var. 


personally i dont like making getvalue non-final. this will patch this 
component for this kind of testing, but what about other components that do not 
have a stable name? are we going to have to start opening implementation 
details on all of them just because users want to test it with something static 
like httpunit? just my 2c. 


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