Den 21-08-2013 19:45, Hady elsahar skrev:
Hello All ,

i was looking at WikiData dump , specifically this one :

then i came to this statement

the property P158 which is the seal flag image .
and it's DataType should be  "Commons media file"  ? not "string" ?
i'm not sure if it's always the same way and i don't get it , or the
statement data is not consistent with property datatypes?

The values for properties of type commonsMedia are always stored as strings. That's why there is no row for commonsMedia in my table at

another Question : should i usually rely on the datatypes written in the
json dumps or should i build and index of wkidata properties and their
datatypes to avoid such situation ?

You need both the datatype of the property (to distinguish ordinary string values from commonsMedia strings) and the datatype for each stored value (to know if it is an ordinary value or novalue or somevalue).

- Byrial

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