Den 21-08-2013 21:09, Hady elsahar skrev:
Hello Jeroen ,

can i get from your words that this page :
is not up to date ?if so how can i get all the datatypes in Wikidata ?

Pages in the virtual Special namespace are generated by MediaWiki on demand, and are therefore always (in principle - there can be caching in some cases) up to date.

string could be anything ( so time could be a string) , but there's a
defined lower level representation of common media files . so is it
wrong to represent it as string ,

Time cannot be a string, as there are several components in a time value (time, timezone, precision, calendar model, before and after precisions).

I see nothing wrong in storing commonsMedia values as string values. You will know from the property's datatype that the string is a CommonsMedia string.

- Byrial

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