On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 6:54 PM, rupert THURNER <rupert.thur...@gmail.com>

> would it make sense to use wikidata for such tasks as well?
Wikidata already represents more granular information than an article, the
real problem is that the only way that we have to bind a piece of
information in Wikipedia to its Wikidata representation is through the
article name.
This is of course derived from the technological limitations of mediawiki
which treats each article as a blob of text.

On Wikisource we use Labeled Section Transclusion to define regions of a
mediawiki page that can be transcluded into other pages:

It is normally used with the following format:

## stable_section_identifier ##
some text here

In a way, it is like creating a local variable, since you assign an
identifier to a section that later on can be referred to regardless of the
changes in the text or in the title. I wonder if this is something that
could be adapted for Wikipedia in a way that users could mark article
sections with unique identifiers and then link those stable section
identifiers in Wikidata.

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