On 9/20/19 1:31 PM, Denny Vrandečić wrote:
> Yes, you're touching exactly on the problems I had during the
> evaluation - I couldn't even figure out what DBpedia is.

Hi Denny and Sebastian,

To reiterate and/or clarify.

DBpedia is a community project comprising RDF datasets constructed from
Wikipedia content that's deployed using Linked Data principles.

The description above implies the following re focus breakdown:

[1] Dataset creation -- this cannot be created in line with Linked Data
principles without the items that follow

[2] Linked Data Deployment -- without this there is nothing to look-up
re follow-your-nose exploration

[3] SPARQL Query Services  -- without this there is nothing to query

Over the years I've written a number of posts addressing the key
question "what is DBpedia?"

-- What is DBpedia, and why is it important?

-- Mutually beneficial nature of Wikidata and DBpedia


Kingsley Idehen       
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