Hi Kingsley,

that describes the core of the glue that DBpedia is. The definition leads to 
people downloading the EN DBpedia dataset and running statistics that will only 
discover what data is wrong or missing in the smallest parts of DBpedia.

What happened to "LOD is the largest knowledge graph on earth" ? Querying more 
Freebase data from DBpedia via Linked Data is a use case since over 10 years 
now using ontologies as a GPS.

Also the definition you give limits the community to people who have edited 10 
Scala Classes in the extraction framework, which is probably 10 people 

So this is the most exclusionist view I can think of. 

What you wrote here is adequate:

What you wrote in your email as a summary is very narrow and misleading, see 
Markus Kroetzsch's email. People will continue to measure DBpedia by exactly 
the part of the data that is loaded in the Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint  unless we 
make the derivatives downloadable outside of HTTP LD requests. 

-- Sebastian

On September 22, 2019 12:30:24 AM GMT+02:00, Kingsley Idehen 
<kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
>On 9/20/19 1:31 PM, Denny Vrandečić wrote:
>> Yes, you're touching exactly on the problems I had during the
>> evaluation - I couldn't even figure out what DBpedia is.
>Hi Denny and Sebastian,
>To reiterate and/or clarify.
>DBpedia is a community project comprising RDF datasets constructed from
>Wikipedia content that's deployed using Linked Data principles.
>The description above implies the following re focus breakdown:
>[1] Dataset creation -- this cannot be created in line with Linked Data
>principles without the items that follow
>[2] Linked Data Deployment -- without this there is nothing to look-up
>re follow-your-nose exploration
>[3] SPARQL Query Services  -- without this there is nothing to query
>Over the years I've written a number of posts addressing the key
>question "what is DBpedia?"
>-- What is DBpedia, and why is it important?
>-- Mutually beneficial nature of Wikidata and DBpedia
>Kingsley Idehen              
>Founder & CEO 
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