
This is an amazing initiative. I truely hope it will become an
exemplar toward a world full of localized and community relevant OER.
I believe its pedagogical ties to the service-learning will bring the
technology based social-network closer to the geographical community-

I look forward to watching and supporting this initiative as it grows.


On May 12, 9:42 am, "David Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Our application to create a new public, online high school based on
> OERs has been approved!
> http://opencontent.org/blog/archives/499
> Now the real work begins...
> D
> On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 4:01 PM, simonfj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Leigh,
> > Sorry this has taken so long. A lot going on at present.
> > Re the blog. What would I want want with a blog when people like you
> > say everything so much better than me?
> > You know i inhabit lots of forums like this one - some inside
> > institutions, some (like this) on the border, some which represent the
> > new (global) institutions like sitepoint. The nearest thing to a blog
> > =http://me.edu.au/p/Simonfj
> > It's not much but you know it's constructed by education.au, and
> > they're starting to see that me.edu.au could also be an Aussie's
> > lifelong learning account = an OpenID to other .edu and .gov.au
> > domains.
> > Like most institutions, the edna guys have a problem separating
> > eteaching from 
> > elearning.http://www.groups.edna.edu.au/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=25285#78420
> > But there getting there. Conflation is such a wonderful description
> > isn't it?
> > You might want to keep tabs on Moodle's Social lounge.
> >http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=6801
> > And compare it to what Wayne''s doing and the (unreported) Tectonic
> > Shift between wiki stuff.
> > We seem to be at the stage now where there's starting to be some focus
> > on the Real Time Communications stuff. The 'web 2.0' focus is tiring
> > now = so many domains producing so many "me too" courses/information.
> > But the driving factor is that the National telcos have squeezed the
> > lemon dry (with VoIP, etc) and Skype has attuned global communities to
> > just how much they are ripped off. So all those skills you've picked
> > up by working with it should prove to be useful as its Open versions
> > grow legs.
> > I can't push this (my lady is sooo ill, so i can't get out) but i do
> > have a patent which should be useful as the geeks start focusing on
> > this little 
> > challenge.http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=1172
> > In the meantime, thanks for all your stuff and others around this
> > space (Wayne). It keep sane to see so much creativity and common sense
> > in the one place.
> > Here's one other.http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/66
> > regards,
> >http://me.edu.au/p/Simonfj
> > On Apr 26, 7:15 am, "Leigh Blackall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Well said Simon. Do you keep a blog I'm not aware of? I'd like to be
> >> following this type of advice and insight.
> >> Regarding very slight change all too slowly...
> >> The thing I am seeing more and more of in the institutions and the people
> >> like me that have been in them for far too long, is the adoption of the
> >> rhetoric but not the action.
> >> I am seeing many projects get funded based on their 'participatory' models,
> >> their openness, their 'action' research. But in reality they don't have
> >> anything near participation or openness, and as a result very little action
> >> to then research.
> >> Simple things like, a fella in charge of a project organising a public
> >> seminar to launch the project, in which 3 other fellas position themselves
> >> centre stage and proceed to TELL everyone what they have planned. 
> >> Typically,
> >> they have not organised any back channel, their feedback loop (if they have
> >> one) involves sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] that gets no reply. 
> >> And at
> >> the end of the seminar people walk out feeling ripped off that they missed
> >> their fav TV show to attend it and NOT participate.
> >> I'm sure this is the way it has always been, but today it is even worse
> >> because we have all the lobby and research that says participation and
> >> oppenness is the way, and the government and funding bodies are positioning
> >> their criteria for this, but the measures and accountability for
> >> participation and oppeness are not in place. As a result, millions of $ are
> >> being awarded to some projects for people who are simply good at wearing
> >> rhetoric without really changing their action. Their reports end up the 
> >> same
> >> camelion output.
> >> I hope all this ranting is trikiing a chord your end, because I am seeing 
> >> it
> >> more and more, and it is concerning me a great deal.
> >> So, your suggestion to get the grant and do it 'ourselves'. Would we do it
> >> any better? Given that to get the grant we have to adopt both theirs and 
> >> our
> >> rhetoric AND be accountable to that? The projects I am a part of that have
> >> that accountability involve so many compromises that its easy to lose sight
> >> of what you were trying to do in the first place.
> >> How can we obtain resources and retain the freedom to act and react quickly
> >> and spontaneously like we have done so all along? Is this what the US
> >> ideology of free markets and corporatism is trying to tell us? This self
> >> organising principle based on a very simple funding arrangement of user 
> >> pays
> >> and demand...
> >> I'm starting to wonder off and become incoherent (if I'm not totally that
> >> way already).
> >> In short, it seems that we ARE doing it already, and each of us 
> >> individually
> >> dragging our institutional blobs and resources along with us. I have 
> >> managed
> >> to position my job and its performance indicators so that my work with
> >> Wikieducator can be sustained. So in that way, the institution I am working
> >> in is changing, and I have the freedom to act and react in that new
> >> framework. When I started, they would have had me work in their LMS. So if
> >> we can get enough people doing that (positioning their job into this Wikied
> >> utility web service), we might start seeing more sustained resources into
> >> Wikieducator's participatory and open model, and the individual freedoms
> >> with that. At the moment, I suspect that most people are simply dabbling in
> >> Wikieducator and are doing so outside their job description and performance
> >> indicators.
> >> So either things like WIkieducaor continue on that path and be patient, CoL
> >> and other facilitators doing what they can to promote and develop it. 
> >> And/or
> >> we find a way that will suddenly tip the balance in a Google/Youtube kind 
> >> of
> >> way that involves us getting a large amount of money and working outside 
> >> our
> >> institutions with a very to subverting them...- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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